Apgrade Weekend 01.06.2018.Barutana

Apgrade Weekend 01.06.2018.Barutana
Kalemegdan, Beograd
01.Jun.2018 - 02.Jun.2018

Dvodnevne promo ulaznice u prodaji!
Early Bird 2-day Tickets on sale!

Parter / General Admission: 1590 RSD
VIP Terrace: 2290 RSD

*Jednodnevne ulaznice biće u prodaji dosta kasnije i njihov zbir će biti značajno viši od aktuelne cene dvodnevnih ulaznica.

**Dvodnevne ulaznice menjaju se za vikend narukvice pre ulaza i nisu prenosive na druga lica.

Blagajne / Box offices:

Online sales with payment cards (English):

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ARnXC7DRq1u


Apgrade Weekend ove godine dva puta, u junu i septembru!

U protekle tri godine Apgrade Weekend bio je rezervisan za prve septembarske dane kao svojevrsno finale sezone velikih muzičkih događaja pod otvorenim nebom. Posle tri izdanja u kojima smo gledali lidere elektronske scene kao što su Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin, Solomun, Amelie Lens, Dixon, Tale of Us i brojni drugi, naredno, četvrto po redu izdanje održaće se na samom početku letnje sezone 1. i 2. juna u Barutani! U dobro poznatom terminu, od 6. do 8. septembra, uslediće i peti po redu Apgrade Weekend, tradicionalno smešten u rovu ispod Vojnog muzeja na Kalemegdanu.

Za novo, junsko izdanje već je poznata je i kompletna postava, pa u Barutani istog vikenda nastupaju Kristian Beyer u DJ formatu famoznog nemačkog tandema Âme, tehno inovator Ostgut Ton etikete i rezident Berghaina Answer Code Request, vicešampion poslednje RA liste i glazgovski mjuzikmanijak Jackmaster, te francuska elektro diva čiji zvuk danas ponovo dominira svetskom scenom – Miss Kittin! Ubitačni junski sastav, sabran u jednom vikendu, pojačaće i domaći igrači Marko Milosavljević i Feloneezy, a ograničena količina dvodnevnih, vikend ulaznica po prvoj ceni od 1590 din za Parter i 2290 din za VIP Terasu, od danas je u prodaji na svim blagajnama širom Srbije i regiona, te putem sajtova Gigstix.com i Eventim.rs.Two-day promo tickets on sale!
Early Bird 2-day Tickets on sale!

Parter / General Admission: 1590 RSD
VIP Terrace: 2290 RSD

* One-day tickets will be sold much later and their sum will be significantly higher than the current price of two-day tickets.

** Two-day tickets are changed for a weekend bracelet before the entrance and are not transferable to other faces.

Cashier / Box offices:

Online sales with payment cards (English):

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ARnXC7DRq1u


Aprado Weekend this year twice, in June and September!

In the past three years, Apgrade Weekend has been reserved for the first September days as a kind of finale of the season of great music events in the open sky. After three editions in which we watched the electronic scene leaders such as Sven Vath, Richie Hawtin, Solomun, Amelie Lens, Dixon, Tale of Us and numerous other, next, fourth edition will be held at the very beginning of the summer season, 1st and 2nd June in Barutana! In the well-known term, from September 6th to 8th, will be followed by the fifth anniversary of the Weekend, traditionally located in the trench below the Military Museum on Kalemegdan.

Kristian Beyer in the DJ format of the famous German tandem Yama, techno innovator Ostgut Ton label and resident Berghain Answer Code Request, the vice champion of the last RA list and the musical musical jackmaster Jackmaster, is also known for the new June edition. and the French electro diva whose sound dominates the world scene today – Miss Kittin! The assault squad, collected on a weekend, will be boosted by domestic players Marko Milosavljevic and Feloneezy, and a limited amount of two-day, weekend tickets at the first price of 1590 din for Parter and 2290 dinars for VIP Terasa, from today is on sale at all cash registers all over Serbia and the region, as well as through Gigstix.com and Eventim.com.


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