Predstavljamo vam najbolji regionalni Arctic Monkeys tribute band! Evo nekoliko reči o njima i o njihovom nadolazećem koncertu kod nas…
STEREO DEFICIT je Arctic Monkeys tribute bend iz Kruševca. Nastao je pod nazivom Random sredinom 2010. godine kao rezultat uzajamne ljubavi trojice braće prema raznovrsnoj progresivnoj muzici. Kasnije im se pridružuje ostatak benda i s vremenom postaju Arctic Monkeys tribute, a sada nastupaju kao četvorka.
Članovi benda su Stefan Mijajlović (gitara/vokal) i nezgodna braća Matić: Andreja (gitara/vokal), Nikola (bas) i Aleksa (bubnjevi/vokal). Iza sebe imaju već bezbroj krcatih nastupa u Beogradu, Zagrebu, N.Sadu…..
sigurno će tako biti i ovaj put na njihovom premijernom koncertu kod nas! Držite se, braća dolaze 🙂
Karte po ceni od 300 dinara puštamo u prodaju do kraja nedelje. Vidimo se!We are presenting you the best regional Arctic Monkeys tribute band! Here are a few words about them and about their upcoming concert with us …
STEREO DEFICIT is the Arctic Monkeys tribute band from Krusevac. It was named Random in the middle of 2010 as a result of the mutual love of the three brothers towards a variety of progressive music. Later they join the rest of the band and eventually become the Arctic Monkeys tribute, and now appear as four.
The members of the band are Stefan Mijajlović (guitar / vocals) and unlucky brothers Matic: Andreja (guitar / vocals), Nikola (bass) and Aleksa (drums / vocals). Behind themselves have countless festive performances in Belgrade, Zagreb, N.Sadu …..
this will certainly be this way at their premiere concert with us! Keep up, brothers come 🙂
Tickets worth 300 dinars are sold out by the end of the week. See you!