Arsenal Fest 08, 21 – 23.01.2018. Kragujevac

Arsenal Fest 08, 21 – 23.01.2018. Kragujevac
Trg Topolivaca bb, Kragujevac
21.Jan.2018 - 23.Jan.2018

Arsenal Fest 08 biće održan 21, 22. i 23. juna 2018. godine, a njegov slogan će biti „Kragujevac: The Capital of Music“. Komplet ulaznica za sve tri večeri od sutra će biti u pretprodaji i koštaće neverovatnih 2.000 dinara, u Domu omladine Kragujevca i preko mreže Eventim!

Kragujevac je daleke 1818. postao prestonica Srbije, a cilj nam je da 2018. Arsenal Fest 08 bude bar tokom tri večeri „The Capital of Music“ – prestonica (odlične) muzike u ovom delu Evrope!

Od svog početka 2011. Arsenal je iz godine u godine rastao, u šta se moglo uveriti njegovih preko 150.000 posetilaca do sada, koji su uživali u nastupima značajnih imena srpske i ex Yu scene, ali i bendova kakvi su Thievery Corporation, Anthrax, Buzzcocks, Skunk Anansie, Toy Dolls, Gentleman…

Sada nam je ambicija da Arsenal Fest 08 bude najbolje, najveće i najznačajnije izdanje festivala do sada, uz neka nova ekskluzivna, intrigantna i značajna muzičkih imena svetske i naše scene, čija će imena biti postepeno saopštavana u predstojećim nedeljama…

Uz Main Stage smešten u jedinstveni, fantastični otvoreni prostor u fabrici municije iz 19. veka i Garden Stage u prelepom zelenilu „Zastavine bašte“, kao i Explosive DJ stage u rustičnom zdanju „Čaurnice“, Arsenal Fest 08 priprema još više bogatih sadržaja i spreman je za širenje u nove prostore…Arsenal Fest 08 will be held on June 21, 22 and 23, 2018, and its slogan will be „Kragujevac: The Capital of Music“. A set of tickets for all three evenings from tomorrow will be pre-sold and will cost incredible 2,000 dinars, in the Youth House of Kragujevac and via the Eventim network!

In 1818, Kragujevac became the capital of Serbia, and our goal is to have Arsenal Fest 08 at least three nights in the „Capital of Music“ – the capital of (excellent) music in this part of Europe!

Since its inception in 2011, Arsenal has grown from year to year, which has seen more than 150,000 visitors so far, who enjoyed performances of significant names of Serbian and ex Yu scenes, as well as bands such as Thievery Corporation, Anthrax, Buzzcocks, Skunk Anansie, Toy Dolls, Gentleman …

Now it’s our ambition to make Arsenal Fest 08 the best, biggest and most important edition of the festival so far, with some new exclusive, intriguing and significant music names of the world and our scene, whose names will be gradually announced in the coming weeks …

Alongside the Main Stage, located in a unique, fantastic open space in the 19th-century ammunition factory and Garden Stage in the beautiful green grounds of „Zastava Gardens“, as well as the Explosive DJ stage in the rustic Čaurnice building, Arsenal Fest 08 prepares even more rich contents and is ready is to expand into new spaces …


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