Arsenal Fest 21 – 23.06.2018.Kragujevac

Arsenal Fest 21 – 23.06.2018.Kragujevac
Trg Topolivaca bb, Kragujevac
21.Jun.2018 - 23.Jun.2018

Arsenal Fest održava se krajem svakog juna u Kragujevcu, srcu Šumadije, nekadašnjoj prestonici Srbije. Gradu najpoznatijem po autentičnoj automobilskoj industriji. Za samo nekoliko godina postojanja Arsenal se nametnuo kao jedan od najzanimljivijih, najrelevantnijih i najperspektivnijih letnjih festivala na otvorenom u Srbiji, bivšoj Jugoslaviji i ovom delu Evrope uopšte. Svoju posebnost, odnosno ugled jedinstvenog festivala kog obavezno treba posetiti, u moru ostalih u regionu, Arsenal je stekao zahvaljujući maštovitom spoju pažljivo odabranih izvođača iz Srbije, bivše Jugoslavije i ostatka sveta, sa originalnim i vizuelno fantastičnim ambijentom. Prostor festivala po svemu je jedinstven, a više decenija bio je nedostupan široj javnosti!

Komplet ulaznica za tri večeri Arsenal Festa 08 košta 2.000 dinara još samo danas! Od 15. marta komplet je 2.500 dinara, a biće puštene i pojedinačne ulaznice koje će za svako veče posebno koštati 1.500 dinara. Prodaja ide preko mreže Eventim, u Domu omladine Kragujevca i na blagajni Pozorišta za decu u Kragujevcu.

Posetioci Arsenal Festa, sa kupljenim ulaznicama, imaće mogućnost boravka u festivalskom kampu!

Za boravak u tradicionalnom “Arsenal rok kampu” kod stadiona “Čika Dača” u Kragujevcu. Zainteresovani se mogu prijavljivati preko e-mail adrese: kao i na telefon +381643802912.

Cena kampa je 500 dinara.

Rezervacija je neophodna!!!!

U obezbeđenom, označenom prostoru, imaće mesta za sopstveni šator, obezbedjena je upotreba tuševa, pijaće vode i toaleta. Posetioci kampa laganom petnaestominutnom šetnjom stižu do festivalskog prostora – Kneževog arsenala, a na dohvat su im i brojne kulturne znamenitosti grada(Kompleks “Veliki park i Spomen muzej”, kompleks “Milošev Venac”…).

Sve informacije vezano za bogatu ponudu ugostiteljskih objekata u Kragujevcu možete pogledati i na stranici Arsenal City.

The Arsenal Fest is held at the end of each June in Kragujevac, the heart of Sumadija, the former Serbian capital. The city is best known for its authentic automotive industry. In just a few years, Arsenal has imposed itself as one of the most interesting, most relevant and most promising summer open-air festivals in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia and this part of Europe in general. Arsenal gained its specialty, ie the reputation of a unique festival that must be visited in the sea of ​​others in the region thanks to the imaginative combination of carefully selected performers from Serbia, the former Yugoslavia and the rest of the world, with original and visually fantastic ambience. The space of the festival is unique in its entirety, and for decades it has been inaccessible to the general public!

Arsenal Festa 08 ticket for three nights costs 2,000 dinars today! Since March 15, the set is 2,500 dinars, and individual tickets will be released, which will cost 1,500 dinars each night. The sale goes through the Eventim network, in the Youth Center Kragujevac and at the box office of the Children’s Theater in Kragujevac.

Arsenal Fest visitors, with purchased tickets, will be able to stay in the festival camp!

For staying in the traditional „Arsenal Rock Camp“ at the stadium „Čika Dača“ in Kragujevac. Interested parties can apply via e-mail address: as well as by phone +381643802912.

The price of the camp is 500 dinars.

Reservation is necessary !!!!

In a secured, marked area, they will have places for their own tent, the use of showers, drinking water and toilets is ensured. Visitors to the camp with a light fifteen-minute walk arrive to the festival space – Prince’s arsenal, and they reach numerous cultural sights of the city (Kompleks „Veliki park and Memorial Museum“, complex „Milošev Venac“ …).

All information regarding the rich offer of catering facilities in Kragujevac can be found on the site of Arsenal City.


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