Centar za kulturu Lazarevac raspisuje konkurs za izlaganje na novogodišnjem prodajnom bazaru umetnina i rukotvorina „Art kvart“.
Bazar će biti održan u gornjem holu Centra za kulturu Lazarevac,
- decembra od 12.00 do 20.00 časova.
Svi zainteresovani za učešće mogu aplicirati sa radovima (nakit, rajfovi, šeširi, garderoba, slike, cvece, lampe) i ostalim pratećim asesoarima do 10. decembar 2017. godine.
Naknadne prijave nećemo uzimati u razmatranje.
Stolove, stolice, medijsku podršku
– Osnovne podatke (ime, prezime, adresa, e-mail, kontakt telefon)
– 3 fotografije radova
na e-mail:
Organizator zadržava pravo rasporeda učesnika, kao i izbor učesnika za prodajni bazar.
Kotizacija za učešće na prodajnom bazaru „Art kvart” iznosi:
– 1000,00 RSD
Dva dana po isteku konkursa, svi izlagači biće obavešteni o prolaznosti na konkursu, i o svim tehničkim detaljima.
Dobrodošli!Center for Culture Lazarevac is organizing a competition for exhibiting at the New Year’s bazaar of art and handicrafts „Art kvart„.
The bazaar will be held in the upper hall of the Lazarevac Cultural Center,
from 12.00 to 20.00 hours.
All interested in participation can apply with works (jewelry, raffs, hats, dressing rooms, paintings, flowers, lamps) and other accompanying accessories until December 10, 2017.
Subsequent applications will not be considered.
Chairs, chairs, media support
It is necessary to send:
– Basic information (name, surname, address, e-mail, contact telephone)
– 3 photos of works
on e-mail:
The organizer reserves the right to arrange the participants, as well as the selection of participants for the sales bazaar.
The registration fee for participation in the „Art Quarter“ bazaar is:
– 1000,00 RSD
Two days after the expiration of the competition, all exhibitors will be notified of the passing of the competition, and all technical details.