Sviđa ti se ovaj događaj?
BadPrle (Aleksandar Prlinčević) se vraća u Dvorište! I ovoga puta za vas sprema set prošaran najrazličitijim žanrovima iz najrazličitijih vremenskih perioda. Sve od hip-hopa i rnb-a novijeg vremena preko treš komercijale i old school zvukova pa do alternativne elektronike je ono što vas očekuje u subotu uveče u Dvorištu.
Vidimo se!BadPrle (Aleksandar Prlinčević) returns to the Courtyard! And this time, she prepares for you a wide range of different genres from different periods of time. Everything from hip-hop and rnb of recent times through trek commercials and old school sounds to alternative electronics is what you expect on Saturday night in the Courtyard.
See you!