Beograd, Srbija
Cena ulaznica: 1800, 1500 i 1200 dinara


Barselona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra (BGKO), je međunarodni ansambl sa sedištem u Barseloni, koji trenutno budi veliko interesovanje publike širom Evrope zahvaljujući svojoj ineterpretaciji tradicionalne muzike sa Balkana,  Bliskog Istoka i Mediterana.

Kako kritičari kažu: „Muzika  koja  ide  pravo u  srce bez  trikova„
BGKO je  evolucija Barselona Gipsy Klezmer Orkestra,  koji  je  za  tri godine postavio standard u izvođenju  muzike napravljene u Barseloni i obišao većinu world music festivala  u svetu.
Njihov  jedinstveni i savremeni zvuk dolazi iz upornog i strastvenog istraživanja  zvukova i boja  Balkana, Klezmera, Roma  i Mediteranskih Romana. Sve je to shvaćeno kao skup muzičkih tradicija i multietničkih kultura koje prevazilaze sve geografske granice, poštujući tradicionalne tragove različitih naroda,  naseljavanih u različitim periodima na pomenutom prostoru.
Njihova muzika je  autentična  i po mešavini različitih uticaja koje donose  članovi benda iz svojih sredina, pa uz činjenicu da je to sve oblikovano u umetničkoj, veseloj i iskrenoj Barseloni, nudi ukuse i boje katalonskih, grčkih, ruskih, balkanskih pesama punih uticaja ciganskog džeza, rokabilija i izuzetnog ritma  i  veselja.
Njihovi koncerti po celom svetu  su uvek unapred rasprodati  i  imaju veliku gledanost  na internet kanalima, na You Tube konkretno – preko 10.000.000 pregleda.
Na koncertu u Sava Centru će uz velike hitove sa prethodna četiri albuma predstaviti i novi materijal sa ovogodišnjeg CDa „AVO KANTO“. Specijalni gost na ovom događaju, biće maestro Bora Dugić koji je sa BGKO već imao zapažene nastupe u Španiji.

Više informacija o samom bendu možete naći na

Ticket price: 1800, 1500 and 1200 dinars
Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra (BGKO), is an international ensemble based in Barcelona, ​​which currently arouses great public interest throughout Europe thanks to its ineterpretation of traditional music from the Balkans, the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

As critics say: „The music that goes straight into the heart without tricks“
BGKO is the evolution of the Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra, which in three years has set a standard in the performance of music made in Barcelona and visited most of the world music festival in the world.
Their unique and contemporary sound comes from a persistent and passionate exploration of the sounds and colors of the Balkans, Klezmer, Roma and Mediterranean Romans. All this is understood as a set of musical traditions and multiethnic cultures that overcome all geographical boundaries, respecting the traditional traces of different nations, settled in different periods in the mentioned space.
Their music is authentic and mixed with the various influences brought by band members from their midst, and with the fact that it is all shaped in artistic, merry and sincere Barcelona, ​​it offers the tastes and colors of Catalan, Greek, Russian, Balkan songs full of Gypsy jazz, rockabilly and exceptional rhythm and joy.
Their concerts all over the world are always sold out in advance and have great ratings on internet channels, on You Tube specifically – over 10,000,000 views.
At the concert in Sava Center, with great hits from the previous four albums will present the new material from this year’s CD „AVO KANTO“. A special guest at this event will be maestro Bora Dugic, who has already had performances with BGKO in Spain.

More information about the band itself can be found at


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