MH Concerts i Serbian Hellbangers
ponosno predstavljaju:
19. 01. 2018. – Hala Sportova, Novi Beograd
Sa ponosom vam predstavljamo prvi po redu Belgrade Metal Meeting festival.
KREATOR – ekskluzivni headline nastup
Nemački KREATOR ne treba posebno predstavljati. Vodeći evropski thrash metal giganti sa karijerom koja traje 35 godina. Ove godine su objavili 14. album Gods of Violence (Nuclear Blast), a u Beogradu će nastupiti kao headlineri te odsvirati redovni set.
VADER su miljenici domaće publike i bend koji u Srbiji ima jaku bazu posvećenih fanova. Bend i dalje promoviše svoj poslednji, 13. po redu album The Empire koji je objavljen za Nuclear Blast Records 2016. godine. Na koncertu u Beogradu bend će odsvirati specijalni The Ultimate Incantation set sa kojim proslavljaju 25. godina od izlaska svog albuma prvenca.
DAGOBA je na sceni 20 godina i pored Gojire, jedan su od najpoznatijih metal izvoza iz Francuske. Surova kombinacija groove metala i elektronike je njihova specijalnost. Na koncertu će promovisati novi album Black Nova (Century Media).
Slovenačka NOCTIFERIA je sastav sa kojim je naša publika dobro upoznata. Koreni su im u death/black metal zvuku, a danas eksperimentišu sa modernijim metal rešenjima sa primesama industriala. Kao vrlo uspešan album upisiju Death Culture (2010.) koji je miksao Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy, Pain, The Abyss Studio), dok im je prošle godine izašao akustični album Transnatura na kojem se nalaze verzije starih pesama u novom aranžmanu.
Najubitačnije oružje domaće metal scene INFEST nastupiće na Belgrade Metal Meeting festivalu. Sa izlaskom svog petog studijskog albuma Addicted to Flesh bend je ove godine zakucao svoj dominantni status na sceni i sa punim pravom će deliti binu sa velikanima svetske metal scene.
U godini kada sa ponosom mogu objaviti izlazak novih izdanja svojih starih legendarnih albuma Speed Kill i Bez Milosti na koja se čekalo nekoliko decenija, legende domaće scene BOMBARDER pridružiće se opakoj postavci predstojećeg metal spektakla. Nastup će ujedno biti i zvanična promocija vinilnih izdanja koja su ekskluzivno objavljena u americi prošlog meseca.
– U planu je da Belgrade Metal Meeting postane tradicionalni festival, te ovom prilikom pozivamo fanove žestokog zvuka da podrže našu priču i dođu januara na metal prašenje – kažu organizatori.
Ulaznice su u prodaji od 4. septembra:
– po akcijskoj ceni od 2.600 dinara (do 1. oktobra).
(Akcijske ulaznice za fan pit su RASPRODATE!)
Karte će u zvaničnoj pretprodaji koštati:
– 3.400 (3700 za fan pit),
a na dan koncerta:
– 4.000 dinara.
Prodajna mesta su šopovi Felix u Beogradu i Mungos u Novom Sadu, kao i Eventim prodajna mreža.
Powered by SERBIAN METAL PORTAL!MH Concerts and Serbian Hellbangers
proudly present:
19. 01. 2018. – Hala Sportova, Novi Beograd
We are proud to present you the first Belgrade Metal Meeting festival.
KREATOR – an exclusive headline performance
German KREATOR does not need to be very special. Leading European thrash metal giants with a career spanning 35 years. This year they released the 14th album of Gods of Violence (Nuclear Blast), and in Belgrade they will perform as headliners and perform a regular set.
VADER is a favorite of domestic audiences and a band that has a strong base of dedicated fans in Serbia. Bend continues to promote his latest, 13th The Empire album, released for Nuclear Blast Records in 2016. At the concert in Belgrade, the band will perform a special The Ultimate Incantation set with which they celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of their first album.
DAGOBA is on the stage for 20 years and besides Gojra, one of the most famous metal exporters from France. The raw combination of metal and electronics is their specialty. The concert will promote the new album Black Nova (Century Media).
Slovenian NOCTIFERIA is a composition with which our audience is well-acquainted. Their roots are in the death / black metal sound, and today they are experimenting with more modern metal solutions with the remnants of the industrial. As a very successful album they recorded Death Culture (2010) mixed by Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy, Pain, The Abyss Studio), and last year they released an acoustic album Transnatura featuring versions of old songs in the new arrangement.
The most powerful weapon of the domestic metal scene INFEST will perform at the Belgrade Metal Meeting festival. With the release of his fifth studio album Addicted to Flesh, this year, he bent his dominant status to the stage and will fully share the stage with the giants of the world metal scene.
In the year when I can proudly announce the release of new releases of their old legendary albums Speed Kill and No Mercy, which have been waiting for several decades, the legends of the domestic scene BOMBARDER will join the vicious setting of the upcoming metal spectacle. At the same time, the official promotion of vinyl editions, which were exclusively published in America last month, will also be performed.
– Belgrade Metal Meeting plans to become a traditional festival, and on this occasion we invite fans of fierce sound to support our story and come to the metal in January – say the organizers.
Tickets are on sale since September 4th:
– at the price of 2,600 dinars (until October 1).
(Action tickets for fan pit are RASPRODATE!)
Tickets will cost in the official pre-order:
– 3,400 (3700 for fan pit),
and on the day of the concert:
– 4,000 dinars.
Sales outlets include Felix stores in Belgrade and Mungos in Novi Sad, as well as Eventim sales network.