Zero Visibility corp.|Oslo
Zaleđene pesme, Ina Kristel Johansen
zero visibility corp. Oslo, Norveška / zero visibility corp. Oslo, Norway
Zaleđene pesme/Frozen Songs
koreograf/choreographer: Ina Christel Johannessen
muzika/music: Frederik Meulyzer, Koenraad Ecker, Stray Dogs
originalna ideja/original idea: Inger Buresund, Artistic Director at The Arctic Theatre
scena/set design: Kristin Torp/Graa Hverdag AS
kostimi/costume design: Kathrine Tollo/Norsk Kunststoff AS
multimedija/multimedia: Feng Jiangzhou, Zhang Lin, Sifenlv New Media
dizajn svetla/lighting design: Nico Benz
zvuk/sound: Morten Pettersen
video/video: Magnar Mork
fotografije/photos: Yaniv Cohen
trajanje/duration: 85’
premijera/premiere: The Arctic Theatre, Tromsø, Norway, 2018
igrači/dancers: Line Tørmoen, Pia Elton Hammer, Ole Kristian Tangen, Valtteri Raekallio, Daniel Whiley, Fan Luo, Anton Borgstrøm
pevač/singer: Aksel Rykkvin
produkcija/production: Zero Visibility Corp, The Arctic Theatre, Ibsen International
koprodukcija/co-production: Dansens Hus, Oslo, La Briqueterie, Paris, Arts Printing House, Vilnius
Zero Visibility Corp is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council. The Arctic Theatre is supported by the Norwegian Cultural Department, Tromsø City Council, counties of Troms and Finnmark. Ibsen International is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Godine 2008., jedan stari san Ujedinjenih nacija konačno je ugledao svetlost dana: na ostrvu Svalbard, jedom od najsigurnijih i najmirnijih mesta na svetu, izgrađeno je veliko skladište 120 metara unutar planine. U sredini „večitog leda“, debelom sloju tla koji se nikada ne topi, osnovano je Svetsko skladište semena. Od svog otvaranja pre osam godina, 840.000 uzoraka semena deponovana su u trezor. Seme je izvor života, početak svega, a skladište (takođe poznato kao „skrovište sudnjeg dana“) predstavlja potrebu da se ono zaštiti po svaku cenu. Ako postoji seme, ima nade; sve što iščezne, moglo bi ponovo procvetati. Ove „zamrznute pesme“, koje počivaju u dubini planine u blizini Severnog pola, mogle bi jednog dana spasiti svet.
Ina Kristel Johanesen je umetnički direktor i koreograf trupe zero visisbilty corp. Svoje obrazovanje je stekla na Nacionalnom koledžu scenskih umetnosti u Oslu, gde danas predaje koreografiju. Veoma važan deo umetničkog profila i rada Johanesenove vezan je za norvešku nacionalnu kompaniju savremene igre, Carte Blanche. Od 1992. godina, ona je za ovu kompaniju kreirala 13 celovečernjih postavki, sarađujući sa 5 različitih umetničkih rukovodilaca. Za predstavu „Ambra“, kreiranu za Carte Blanche i Plesnu kompaniju Islanda, osvojila je Nagradu kritičara 2008. godine. Johanesenova je takođe, sarađivala sa nekoliko norveških i međunarodnih kompanija i institucija, među kojima su Balet Monte Karla, Kulberg Balet, CCDC – Gradska savremena plesna kompanija iz Hong Konga, Norveški Nacionalni balet Norveške, Plesna kompanija Helsinkija, Kraljevska opera Švedske, Plesni teatar Škotske, Plesni teatar Oldenburga, nacionalni teatri u Oslu i Bergenu, Plesna i pozorišna akademija u Helsinkiju i Nacionalni koledž scenskih umetnosti u Oslu. Radove Johansenove karakterišu velika energija fizičkih pokreta, pomešana sa veoma poetičnim i često, pozorišnim elementima. Ona je uključena i sarađuje u stvaranju vizuelnih elemnata, kao što su dizajn svetla i scenografija, a koji čine nezamenjljive delove njenog rada u celini. Muzički elementi su uvek sačinjeni od elektronskih radova međunarodno priznatih kompozitora, bilo da su u pitanju nove ili prerađene kompozicije.
Kompaniju zero visibility corp. je osnovala koreograf Ina Kristel Johanesen, 1996. godine. Sa sedištem u Oslu u Norveškoj, trupa u proseku stvara jednu produkciju godišnje. Njihov prvi međunarodni uspeh došao je sa predstavom „…to je samo proba“, 2003. godine, koja je izvedena preko 100 puta. Kompanija putuje širom sveta sa manjim i većim produkcijama, a iste ukljkučuju i partnerstva sa nekoliko međunarodnih i norveških koproducenata i saradnika. Od početka, trupa je obojena specifičnim koreografskim stilom Ine Kristel Johanesen. Umetnički rad karakteriše upečatljiv fizički i tehnički izraz, koji dozvoljava igračima da se istaknu, ali paralelno, koreografija izražava svu kompleksnost ljudskog života, ljudska osećanja, emocije i stanja. Kompozicija se gradi oko fizički vizuelnog i čulnog prostora, kao i kretanja igrača. Neposredna blizina i udaljenost, snaga i fragilnost deluju, rame uz rame. Danas je zero visibilty corp. jedna od vodećih norveških plesnih kompanija, sa velikim uspehom predstavljena na međunarodnoj plesnoj sceni.
Category Musical-scenic
Date March 25, 2018 20:00
Space Great Hall
Ticket prices: 1800 dinars
Zero Visibility corp. | Oslo
Frozen songs, Ina Kristel Johansen
zero visibility corp. Oslo, Norway / zero visibility corp. Oslo, Norway
Frozen Songs / Frozen Songs
choreographer / choreographer: Ina Christel Johannessen
music / music: Frederik Meulyzer, Koenraad Ecker, Stray Dogs
original idea: Inger Buresund, Artistic Director at The Arctic Theater
scene / set design: Kristin Torp / Graa Hverdag AS
costumes / costume design: Kathrine Tollo / Norsk Kunststoff AS
multimedia / multimedia: Feng Jiangzhou, Zhang Lin, Sifenlv New Media
lighting design / lighting design: Nico Benz
sound / sound: Morten Pettersen
video / video: Magnar Mork
photos / photos: Yaniv Cohen
duration / duration: 85 ‘
Premiere / Premiere: The Arctic Theater, Tromsø, Norway, 2018
players / dancers: Line Tørmoen, Pia Elton Hammer, Ole Kristian Tangen, Valtteri Raekallio, Daniel Whiley, Fan Luo, Anton Borgstrøm
singer / singer: Aksel Rykkvin
production / production: Zero Visibility Corp., The Arctic Theater, Ibsen International
Coproduction / co-production: Dansens Hus, Oslo, La Briqueterie, Paris, Arts Printing House, Vilnius
Zero Visibility Corp. is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council. The Arctic Theater is supported by the Norwegian Cultural Department, the Tromsø City Council, counties of Troms and Finnmark. Ibsen International is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In 2008, an old dream of the United Nations finally saw the light: on the island of Svalbard, one of the safest and most peaceful places in the world, a large warehouse was built 120 meters inside a mountain. In the middle of the “permafrost”, a thick layer of soil that never melts, the Global Seed Vault was established. Since its opening eight years ago, 840.000 samples of seeds have been deposited in the Vault. The seed is a source of life, the beginning of everything, and the Vault (also known as the “Doomsday Vault”) represents the need to protect it at all costs. If there are seeds, there is hope; everything that die, could blossom once again. These “Frozen Songs”, resting in the depth of a mountain close to the North Pole, could one day save the world.
Ina Christel Johannessen is the artistic leader and choreographer of the zero visibility corp. She is educated at the National College of Performing Arts in Oslo, where she now teaches choreography classes. A very important part of Johannesen’s artistic profile and work has been the close relationship with Carte Blanche, the national company of contemporary dance in Norway, where since 1992, she has been contracted by 5 different artistic leaders, resulting in 13 full-evening works. For her creation “Ambra”, made for Carte Blanche and Iceland Dance Company, she received the Critics Award for 2008. Johannesen has also worked with several Norwegian and international companies and institutions: Les Ballet de Monte Carlo, The Cullberg Ballet, CCDC – City Contemporary Dance Company of Hong Kong, The Norwegian National Ballet, Helsinki City Dance Company, The Royal Swedish Opera, Scottish Dance Theatre, Iceland Dance Company, Oldenburg Tanztheatre, The National Theatres in Oslo and Bergen, Dance and Theatre Academy of Helsinki, and the National College of Performing Arts in Oslo. Johannesen’s work is characterized by high energy in the physical movements merged with very poetic and often theatrical elements. She is very much involved in and cooperating on the creating of visual elements such as lighting and set design, which play crucial parts of her work as a whole. The musical elements are always composed of electronic works from international composers, either new or rewritten works.
zero visibility corp. was founded by choreographer Ina Christel Johannessen in 1996. The Company is based in Oslo, Norway, and makes an average of one production a year. Their international breakthrough came with “…it’s only a rehearsal” in 2003, which has been performed on over a hundred occasions. The company is touring worldwide with performances of both smaller and medium scale and the production involve partnerships with several international and Norwegian co-producers and collaborators. Since the beginning, the company has been marked by Ina Christel Johannessen’s particular choreographic style. The artistic work is characterized by a striking physical and technical expression, allowing the dancers to excel, but simultaneously she expresses in her work the complexity of human life, our feelings, emotions and conditions. The composition is built up around the physically visual and audible space and the actions of the dancers. Proximity and distance, strength and fragility exist side by side. Today, zero visibility corp. is one of the leading Norwegian dance companies, presented with great success on the international dance scene.