Big Band RTS 22.02.2018.Dom omladine

Big Band RTS 22.02.2018.Dom omladine
Makedonska 22, Beograd

ČETVRTAK, 22. FEBRUAR 2018. U 20:00
Organizacija: Dom omladine Beograda, Muzička produkcija RTS i Ambasada SAD u Beogradu
Povodom obeležavanja meseca afroameričke istorije u SAD, 22. februara od 20č u Velikoj sali Doma omladine Beograda, biće održan koncert Big Benda RTS pod nazivom „Džez Ambasadori“, posvećen dugogodišnjem istoimenom programu turneja i nastupa čuvenih američkih džez umetnika.

Ovim koncertom naš eminentni ansambl započinje seriju velikih nastupa u godini jubileja, 70 godina od osnivanja (1948-2018).

Davne, 1956. godine, vlada SAD, napravila je poseban program pod nazivom „Džez Ambasadori“, organizujući nastupe i turneje legendarnih zvezda džez muzike, Luisa Armstronga, Beni Gudmena, Dizi Gilespija, Djuk Elingtona, a kasnije i Dejva Brubeka. Oni su putujući svetom i nastupajući kao džez ambasadori SAD, širili jednu novu umetnost dvadesetog veka, džez muziku. Od tada, Biro (Ministarstvo) za obrazovanje i kulturu SAD, u saradnji sa Džon F. Kenedi centrom za izvođačke umetnosti, organizuje nastupe širom sveta sa svojim umetnicima, koji pored nastupa drže radionice i stručna usavršavanja sa lokalnim muzičarima i studentima.

Kao i uvek, umetnost je daleko nadmašila i prebacila početna očekivanja i motive organizatora, a mnoge zemlje i gradovi su se uživo susretali sa velikanima džeza, i može se slobodno reći da je ova inicijativa veoma doprinela popularizaciji džez muzike van zemlje u kojoj je nastala.

Manifestacija “Black History Month”, koja će se održati u Beogradu tokom februara, deo je globalnog, američkog projekta za popularizaciju afroameričke kulture, čime se slavi i odaje poštovanje dostignućima i uspesima afroamerikanaca u Americi. Veliki doprinos Afroamerikanaca istoriji američke kulture, dugo je bio zaboravljan ili čak preskakan. Uz mukotrpno osvajanje prava na jednakost i postepeno prihvatanje njihove umetnosti u javnosti i medijima, zahvaljujući organizovanoj akciji kao što je „Black History Month“, danas možemo reći da su konačno afroamerčki umetnici dobili mesto koje im pripada.

Ulaznice za koncert su u prodaji preko EVENTIM mreže, po ceni od 500 dinara.THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2018. At 20:00
Organization: Dom omladine Beograda, Music production RTS and US Embassy in Belgrade
On the occasion of marking the month of African American history in the United States, on February 22, at the Great Hall of the Youth Center of Belgrade, a Big Band RTS concert titled „Jazz Ambassadors“ will be held, dedicated to the long-running tour program and performances of famous American jazz artists.

With this concert our eminent ensemble starts a series of great performances in the year of the anniversary, 70 years since the founding (1948-2018).

In 1956, the US government made a special program called Jazz Ambassadors, organizing performances and tour of the legendary jazz stars, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Dizy Gilespie, Dick Elington, and later Dave Brubek. They traveled the world and acted as jazz ambassadors of the United States, spreading a new art of the twentieth century, jazz music. Since then, the Bureau of Education and Culture of the United States, in collaboration with John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, has been organizing performances all over the world with its artists, who in addition to performing perform workshops and professional training with local musicians and students.

As always, art has far outstripped and transferred the initial expectations and motives of the organizers, and many countries and cities have met with jazz giants in live, and it can be freely said that this initiative has greatly contributed to the popularization of jazz music outside of the country in which it was created.


The Black History Month, which will be held in Belgrade in February, is part of a global, American project to popularize African-American culture, which celebrates and honors the achievements and successes of African Americans in America. The great contribution of African Americans to the history of American culture has long been forgotten or even skipped. With the painstaking conquest of the right to equality and gradual acceptance of their art in the public and the media, thanks to an organized action such as the „Black History Month“, today we can say that the African American artists finally got the place they belong to.

Concert tickets are sold via EVENTIM network, at a price of 500 dinars.


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