***Ulaz slobodan***
Bitipatibi je jedan od slušanijih bendova u regionu, drim pop žanra. Obajvili su dva studijska albuma. Zamislite mesto na kom se spajaju Cocteau Twins i Mazzy Star, Morphine i Tuxedomoon i neka se to mesto nalazi u Beogradu. Srce tog izmišljenog mesta moglo bi da bude u grupi Bitibatibi, koja svoju verziju indi/šugejz/drim popa nesebično šalje u svet svakom pesmom i svakim koncertom. Bitipatibi, reč je o samoniklom proizvodu nečijeg višegodišnjeg mukotrpnog sanjarenja…
Tuesday, January 23, 20:00, Great Hall
***Free entry***
Bitipatibi is one of the listening bands in the region, the drim pop genre. There were two studio albums. Imagine a place where Cocteau Twins and Mazzy Star, Morphine and Tuxedomoon merges and let this place be in Belgrade. The heart of this fictional place could be in the Bitibatiba group, which sends its version of indie / sung / drim pop unselfishly into the world with every song and every concert. Bitipatibi, it’s a self-made product of someone’s long-lasting painful dreaming …