Bog house zvuka, vraća se u Beograd 7. juna
Svojim prvim nastupom pred beogradskom publikom, u septembru prošle godine, Black Coffee ostavio je lavu pozitivnih emocija i komentara, a i on sam nije sakrio svoje oduševljenje rečima:” WooW, what a crowd, what a party”, odmah zatraživši novi datum ponovnog susreta.
Black Coffee i Blender sa nestrpljenjem su očekivali sledeći nastup, kada će majstor house ritmova u kombinaciji sa neponovljivim vokalima, svojim jedinstvenim izvođenjem, oplemeniti zidine Barutane.
Rezervisan, inventivan, maštovit, miran, zagonetan, stidljiv i živahan, samo su neki od opisa kojim ga kite kako klaberi tako i poštovane kolege cele svetske elektronske scene. Black Coffee jedan je od retkih di-džejeva koji iskreno razumeju preciznu funkciju muzičkog disk džokeja. On jednostavno ne meša pesme, on ih ponovo interpretira, prilagođava i usklađuje u muzičke setove, na svoj veoma specifičan način. U njegovim najčešće dugim miksevima nezaobilazni su remiksi vanvremenskih pesama poput „Purple Rain“ i „Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone“ kojima udiše potpuno novi život i implementira ih u svet elektronske muzike. U sopstvenoj produkciji ima trake poput „Superman“, „Turn Me On“ i „Crazy“ koje su sastavni deo kućnih playlista poštovalaca raznih pravaca elektronske muzike, što dokazuje koliko njegov zvuk prija svačijem uhu, ali i duši. On je jedan od onih di-džejeva čiji svaki nastup ostane dugo zapamćen i prepričavan.
Ulaznice za ovaj događaj u prodaji su od utorka 20. marta po ceni od 990 rsd regularne i VIP 1490 rsd na svim Eventim Serbia i GIGS TIX prodajnim mestima.God House Sound, returns to Belgrade on June 7th
With his first appearance in front of the Belgrade audience in September last year, Black Coffee left lion’s positive emotions and comments, and he himself did not hide his enthusiasm with the words „WooW, what a crowd, what a party,“ immediately asking for a new date for re-meeting.
Black Coffee and Blender eagerly awaited the next performance, when the master of house rhythms, combined with the unique vocals, with their unique performance, ennobled the walls of Barutana.
Reserved, inventive, imaginative, quiet, mysterious, shy and lively, are just some of the descriptions of the kite as clabers and respected colleagues throughout the global electronic scene. Black Coffee is one of the rare DJs that honestly understands the precise function of the music disc of the jockey. He simply does not mix songs, he interprets them again, adjusts them and aligns them in music sets, in their very specific way. In his mostly long mixes, remixes of timeless songs such as „Purple Rain“ and „Is not No Sunshine When She’s Gone“ are unavoidable, which they inhabit a completely new life and implements them into the world of electronic music. In his own production there are bands such as „Superman“, „Turn Me On“ and „Crazy“, which are an integral part of home playlists of various electronic music trends, which proves how much his sound is good to everyone’s ear and soul. He is one of those DJs whose every performance remains long remembered and convinced.
Tickets for this event are on sale from Tuesday, March 20th at the price of 990 rsd regular and VIP 1490 rsd in all Eventim Serbia and GIGS TIX sales outlets.