Planetarno priznati di džej i producent, legneda progresiva, Sasha, dolazi u Beograd na još jednu Blender žurku u čuveni Hangar!
Nominovan za nagradu Grammy, četvorostruki dobitnik Internacionalne Dance Music Award nagrade i dobitnik DJ Mag nagrade, legendarni Sasha je čovek kome nije potrebno predstavjanje. U poslednjih 18 meseci, njegova već uspešna karijera postala je još uzbudljivija nakon povratka u produkciju sa Vapourspace u 2015. godini posle četvorogodišnje pauze. Od pesama objavljenih na Last Night On Earth etiketi do sjajne Scene Delete kompilacije za Late Night Tales, sa svetskim turnejama i rasprodatim žurkama Sasha i dalje predstavlja globalni fenomen. Ultimativni i bezvremenski umetnik koji i dalje regrutuje nove fanove i privlači nove generacije nastupaće u Hangaru 09. decembra uz potpisanika svoje etikete inspirativnog i talentovanog Theo Kottis-a, dok će domaću podršku pružiti Bokee i Coeus.
Karte će biti dostupne na svim prodajnim mestima Eventim Serbia i GIGS TIX prodajne mreže od srede 11. oktobra po ceni od 790 za regularne i 1390 za VIP karte.Planetly recognized DJ and producer, legned progressive, Sasha, is coming to Belgrade for another Blender party! at Hangar
Nominated for the Grammy Award, the four-time winner of the International Dance Music Award and the winner of the DJ Mag Award, the legendary Sasha is a man who does not need to be represented. Over the past 18 months, his already successful career has become even more exciting after returning to production with Vapourspace in 2015 after a four-year break. From the songs published on Last Night On Earth label to the brilliant Scene Delete compilation for Late Night Tales, with world-wide tournaments and sold-out parties, Sasha continues to be a global phenomenon. An ultimate and timeless artist who is still recruiting new fans and attracting new generations will perform in Hangar on December 09 with the signatures of his inspirational and talented Theo Kottis label, while domestic support will be provided by Bokee and Coeus.
Tickets will be available at all sales outlets Eventim Serbia and GIGS TIX sales network from Wednesday, October 11, at a price of 790 for regular and 1390 for VIP cards.