Bojan Z – Modern Times Quartet | 27. i 28.03.2018. Bitefartcafe

Bojan Z – Modern Times Quartet | 27. i 28.03.2018. Bitefartcafe
Mitropolita Petra 8, Beograd
27.Mar.2018 - 28.Mar.2018

Musicology Barcaffè Sessions predstavlja novi koncert u serijalu, Bojan Z – Modern Times Quartet, izdanje u kakvom Bojana kod nas još uvek niste čuli. Koncert će se održati 27. i 28. marta, u klubu Novi Bitefartcafe (Mitropolita Petra 8).

Karte u prodaji preko tiketing mreža i, po ceni od 1200rsd. Karte su za stajanje. Moguće su ograničene rezervacije barskih stolova i pulteva na broj telefona: 063377483
Za dodatne informacije o prodaji karata, posetite sajtove eventim i ddtickets.

„Modern Times” je novi projekat jednog od najboljih aktuelnih jazz muzičara Bojana Zulfikarpašića, u kojemu se otkrivaju njegove ne tako skrivene ljubavi prema elektronskoj i električnoj muzici, bez akustičnog klavira, njegovog fetiš instrumenta, ovde koristi isključivo Fender Rhodes i sintisajzere.

Muzički govoreći, pored formata pesama, koje je komponovao za glas američke pevačice Brandy Butler, u bendu su mu, Max Zampieri, dugogodišnji pratilac elektro projekta “Gambit” Julien-a Lourau-a i mladi basista Antoine Guillemette.

Brut svirka, sa prizvucima svega što im prolazi kroz glavu, od uzemljenog fanka, jungle-a, do hard-core elektronike i srceparajućih balada… sve lajv, nema matrica, nema laži… na svirku doći se samo traži!

Možda i neki gosti nalete, za Dan bezbednosti, ako se sete 🙂

Informacije: 063594294Musicology Barcaffè Sessions presents a new concert in the series, Bojan Z – Modern Times Quartet, a release in which Bojan is still not heard. The concert will be held on March 27th and 28th at the club Novi Bitefartcafe (Mitropolita Petra 8).

Tickets sold through ticketing networks and, at a price of 1200rsd. The tickets are for standing. There are limited reservations for bar tables and counters on the phone number: 063377483
For more information on ticket sales, visit the eventim and ddtickets sites.

„Modern Times“ is the new project of one of the best contemporary jazz musicians by Bojan Zulfikarpasic, which reveals his not so hidden love for electronic and electric music, without the acoustic piano, his fetish instrument, is used exclusively by Fender Rhodes and synthesizers.

Musical speaking, in addition to the song formats, composed by Brandy Butler for the voice of American singer, Max Zampieri, longtime companion of the Gambit electro project Julien Lourau and young bassist Antoine Guillemette, are also in the band.

Brut gig, with the sounds of everything that goes through their head, from an earmarked fank, jungle, to hard-core electronics and heart-breaking ballads … everything is a lion, there is no matrix, no lies … on a gig come just look!

Maybe some guests come across, for Safety Day, if you remember 🙂

Information: 063594294


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