Mladi hrvatski glazbenik, orguljaš, Božidar Ljubenko će održati koncert uz zvukove „kraljice instrumenata“ (orgulja) uz prekrasne skladbe starih hrvatskih skladatelja u Župa sv. Nikola Tavelića – Kustošija. O koncertu i programu ćete više moći pročitati na mojoj stranici. Ulaz je besplatan i veselimo se svakome tko će koncert uveličati svojim dolaskom.
Subota 19:30h/ 20:30hYoung Croatian musician, you organ, Bozidar Ljubenko will hold a concert with the sounds of the „Queen of Instruments“ (organ) with beautiful compositions of old Croatian composers in Župa sv. Nikola Tavelića – Kustošija. You can read more about the concert and the program on my page. The entrance is free and we look forward to everybody who will make the concert come true with their arrival.
Saturday at 07:30 pm/ 08:30 pm