BUKA ! SADA ! je prvi u nizu dogadjaja organizacije Beogradska Ultimativna Kulturna Akcija kojim dižemo glas protiv kulturnog jednoumlja u koje nas mediji prisilno uvlače sistematski već skoro tri decenije.
U ovom višegodišnjem naletu kulturne dekadencije, urbana kultura u Beogradu i Srbiji trpi ozbiljne posledice zanemarivanja određenih gradskih vrednosti.
Uprkos konstantnoj i nepravednoj zapostavljenosti od strane main-stream medija, alternativna muzička scena odoleva svim ovim izazovima poput nekog pokreta otpora, opstajući zahvaljujući delu publike koji i dalje pokazuje veliko interesovanje za njihov rad i postojanje.
Pridružite se akciji kojom dižemo glas protiv sistema „vrednosti“ u kojem nove generacije odrastaju u ubedjenju da je „reality“ jedini uzor za formiranje mladih ljudi.
Tim povodom okupili smo neke od najpoznatijih faca domaće alternative, ovog puta u potpuno drugačijem formatu – u ulozi disk-džokeja:
Cane, Gile, Njegova Ekselencija Crni Zub, Rambo, Vuča, Oliver, Kojot, Vikler, Vasil i Vukašin biraju muziku i prave vrhunsku žurku za sve one koji dele naše mišljenje.
Od rock’n’roll-a, jazz-a, hop-a, soul-a, do deep funk-a, blues-a… u zgradi bivšeg Kluza…NOISE ! NOW ! is the first in the series of events of Belgrade’s Ultimate Cultural Action, to raise the voice against cultural unilateralism, which has forced us for some three decades into the media systematically.
In this perennial encounter of cultural decadence, urban culture in Belgrade and Serbia suffers serious consequences of neglecting certain city values.
In spite of the constant and unfair mismanagement of the mainstream media, the alternative music scene resists all these challenges, such as a resistance movement, surviving thanks to the part of the audience that continues to show great interest in their work and existence.
Join the campaign to raise the voice against the „value“ system in which new generations grow up convinced that „reality“ is the only model for forming young people.
On this occasion, we gathered some of the most famous faces of the domestic alternative, this time in a completely different format – in the role of disc jockeys:
Cane, Gile, His Excellency Black Tooth, Rambo, Towing, Oliver, Coyote, Wichler, Vasil and Vukasin choose music and make a top party for all those who share our thinking.
From rock’n’roll, jazz, hop, soul, to deep funk, blues … in the building of the former Kluz