BUTCH • Topljenje | 20.04.2018.Hangar

BUTCH • Topljenje | 20.04.2018.Hangar
Knezopoljska 3, Beograd

Poznati nemački didžej i producent i jedan od najznačajnijih predstavnika house i techno zvuka – BUTCH (DJ / Producer) stiže nam na prolećno Topljenje 20. aprila u Beograd! #OSVEŽISE

Butch se smatra jednim od najvećih imena na nemačkoj sceni, sa preko stotinu nastupa godišnje na najpoznatijim svetskim festivalima i klubovima. Njegove produkcije nalaze se u katalozima poznatih etiketa kao što su Desolat, Cocoon, Rekids, Sei Es Drum, Bouq records, Visionquest i Hot Creations, a magazine Groove ga je nekoliko puta proglasio za producenta godine.

U prodaju je pušten ograničen kontigent ulaznica po poklon ceni od 690 rsd dostupan na svim biletarnicama Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX i DD Tickets ili putem linka > http://bit.ly/2BHFY44Famous German DJ and producer and one of the most important representatives of house and techno sound – BUTCH (DJ / Producer) arrives for Spring Relaxation on April 20 in Belgrade! # REFRESH

Butch is considered one of the biggest names on the German scene, with over one hundred performances annually at the world’s most famous festivals and clubs. His productions are found in catalogs of well-known labels such as Desolat, Cocoon, Rekids, Sei Es Drum, Bouq Records, Visionquest and Hot Creations, and the Groove Magazine has repeatedly named him as the producer of the year.

The limited ticket contingency at a gift price of 690 rsd is available on sale at all Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX and DD Tickets or via link> http://bit.ly/2BHFY44


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