By-Pass 14.04.2018. Elektropionir

By-Pass 14.04.2018. Elektropionir
Cetinjska 15, Beograd

BY-PASS je pančevački bend koji je na početku karijere stilski bio pod uticajem Progressive Rock, Metal, Stoner Rock i Grunge-a, da bi se vremenom oblikovao u nešto što je po definiciji najbliže kombinaciji Atmospheric Rock, New Prog i Alternative Metal podžanrova.

Za nešto više od dve decenije postojanja bend iza sebe ima dva studijska, zvanično izdata albuma, učešća na mnogim kompilacijama kao i niz uspešnih koncerata u zemlji i inostranstvu. Albumi “Psychoactive” (2000, ITMM) i “Pustinjom” (2014, Multimedia Music) su visoko ocenjeni od strane domaćih i stranih kritičara i medija (SAD, Italija, Švedska, Portugal, Hrvatska, BiH) i zauzeli su zajedno sa singlovima visoka mesta na regionalnim top listama.

Među zanimljivostima iz rada benda može se izdvojiti učešće u soundtrack-u kanadske TV serije “ZOS: Zone of Separation”, kao i to da su legende srpske rok scene Bjesovi izbacili obradu pesme „Sjaj“ kao prvi singl sa albuma na kojem su obrade njihovih omiljenih pesama sa Ex-Yu područja. BY-PASS je takođe poznat i po produkcijskom kvalitetu studijskih albuma, u čiji proces su bila uključena eminentna imena domaće (Aleksandar Radosavljević, Nikola Vranjković, Zoran Đuroski) i svetske scene (Geoff Pesche – Abbey Road Studios, London).

Posle kratke pauze u radu i promena u postavi, BY-PASS je ponovo u punoj snazi i u okviru prolećne turneje, posle Novog Sada, Vršca i Subotice sledeći u nizu je Beograd, čijoj će se publici po prvi put u ovom sastavu predstaviti u subotu 14. aprila u klubu Elektropionir, sa početkom u 21h. Ljubitelji benda imaće priliku da pored pesama sa oba albuma čuju i nešto premijerno i ponovo osete specifičnu atmosferu i energiju koji su karakteristični za BY-PASS nastupe.

Ulaznice će na ulazu biti dostupne po ceni od 500 dinara.

Cover foto: Nemanja ĐorđevićBY-PASS is a Pancake band that was styled under the influence of Progressive Rock, Metal, Stoner Rock and Grunge, in time to form something that is by definition the closest to the combination of Atmospheric Rock, New Prog and Alternative Metal podzars.

In more than two decades of existence, the band has two studio, officially released albums, participation in many compilations, as well as a series of successful concerts in the country and abroad. The albums „Psychoactive“ (2000, ITMM) and „Pustinjom“ (2014, Multimedia Music) were highly rated by domestic and foreign critics and media (USA, Italy, Sweden, Portugal, Croatia, BiH) and occupied high singles places on regional top lists.

Among the interest in the band’s work, the participation in the soundtrack of the Canadian TV series „ZOS: Zone of Separation“ can be singled out, as well as that the legends of the Serbian rock scene Bjesovi kicked out the song „Shine“ as the first single from the album on which their favorite songs from the Ex-Yu area. BY-PASS is also known for the production quality of studio albums, in which the eminent domestic names were included (Aleksandar Radosavljevic, Nikola Vranjkovic, Zoran Djuroski) and the world scene (Geoff Pesche – Abbey Road Studios, London).

After a short pause in work and changes in the post, BY-PASS is again in full force and during the spring tour, after Novi Sad, Vrsac and Subotica, Belgrade is next in line, which will be presented to the audience for the first time in this band on Saturday 14 April at the Elektropionir club, starting at 21h. Lovers of the band will have the opportunity to hear something premiere in addition to songs from both albums and again feel the specific atmosphere and energy that are characteristic for BY-PASS performances.

Tickets will be available at the entrance at a price of 500 dinars.

Cover photo: Nemanja Djordjevic


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