Candy Shop 16.11. Cuba Libre, Četvrtak 22h/03h
Spajamo ukusno i lepo! Koktele i muziku 🙂
Za muzički deo biće zaslužan: Vanjanja
Na koktel meniju imamo tri dobro poznata koktela:
Sex On The Beach 150,-
Ponekad je možda i neprijatno naručiti ovaj koktel ali svako ko ga je probao zna da je vredno čak i malo blamaže. Osvežavajući mix breskve i borovnice rasplamsaće čula ukusa.
Blue Lagoon 150,-
Kombinacija Blue Curacao, limunovog soka, Sprite i vodke nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim a prozirna plava boja će Vas bez obzira na vreme napolju odvesti na neku plažu obasjnau suncem.
White Russian 150,-
Ko god je gledao film ‘Big Lebowski’ sigurno je zapamtio kako Jeff Bridges sa uživanjem pije ovaj koktel i to sa razlogom! Kombinacija vodke, likera od kafe i mleka možda zvuči čudno ali finalni proizvod je neverovatan.
Music: Rnb / House / Latin
Rezervacije: 060 685 21 86Candy Shop 16.11. at Cuba Libre, Thursday 10 pm/03 am
We combine tastefully and beautifully! Cocktails and music 🙂
The musical part: Vanjanja
On the cocktail menu we have three well-known cocktails:
Sex On The Beach 150, –
Sometimes it may be uncomfortable to order this cocktail, but anyone who tried it knows that it is worth even a little blame. Refreshing the mix of peach and blueberry will flush the senses of taste.
Blue Lagoon 150
The combination of Blue Curacao, lemon juice, sprite and vodka leaves no one indifferent, and the transparent blue will take you out to some sunshine regardless of time.
White Russian 150
Whoever watched the movie ‘Big Lebowski’ surely remembered Jeff Bridges drinking this cocktail with pleasure, for good reason! The combination of vodka, coffee and milk liqueur may sound strange, but the final product is incredible.
Music: Rnb / House / Latin
Reservations: 060 685 21 86