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Projekcija na zidu: Casablanca (1942)
U nedelju 26. novembra biće tačno 75 godina od prvog prikazivanja kultnog filma Casablanca.
Režija: Michael Curtiz
Uloge: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman
Posle projekcije veče nastavljamo uz lagane, pucketave zvuke jazz-a sa naših ploča.
Nedelja od 19h, bife VentilWall projection: Casablanca (1942)
On Sunday, November 26, exactly 75 years from the first appearance of the cult film Casablanca will be exactly.
Directed by: Michael Curtiz
Cast: Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman
After the screening we continue with the light, cracking sounds of jazz from our records.
Sunday from 07 pm, bife Ventil