Srpska Nova godina jedan je od omiljenih datuma domaće publike koja je uvek raspoložena za slavlje. U skladu sa velikim očekivanjima, Central Dance Event je spremio lepo iznenađenje kojim će obradovati svoje verne pratioce brenda.
Rodriguez Jr. 13. januara izvešće svoj live nastup pred punim podijumom klabera u Hangaru. Uz njega za miks pultom naći će se i poznata nemačka didžejica, producentkinja i suvlasnica lejbla “Mobilee” Anja Schneider.
Olivier Mateu poznatiji kao Rodriguez Jr. tokom svog odrastanja oscilirao je između časova klavira i žurki elektronske muzike. Prvu slavu dostigao je kao deo poznatog electro act-a The Youngsters, koji su najviše postali poznati po dva studijska albuma i singlovima za F-Comunications, Laurent Garnier-a. Rodriguez Jr. nastao je kao produkt neukroćene Mateu-ove kreativnosti, žeđi za nečim novim i neočekivanim. Svojim live nastup iz sklopa vintage sintisajzera, klavijatura i prašnjave analogne opreme upotpunjuje osećaje zadovoljstva i ponovne inspiracije. Crpeći inspiraciju iz potpuno divergentnih artista, Stockhausen, LFO, Carl Craig, Eric Satie, Kraftwerk i Michael Polnareff, Rodriguez Jr.-ov avanturistički duh pretvara njegovu uzvišenu kreativnost koja se ne može zaključati.
Istaknuta dama elektronske muzike Anja Schneider na sceni je već jako dugo, a zanimljivo je da karijeru nije započela iza didžej pulta već u radijskoj kabini. Bila je voditelj prestižne andergraund muzičke emisije “Dance Under the Blue Moon” na Fritz FM radiju, emisija sa najdužim periodom emitovanja ovakve vrste u Berlinu. Kako je i suvlasnica etikete “Mobilee”, ona je i njen najbolji ambasador. Tokom 12 godina od kad je osnovana, Anja je odigrala ključnu ulogu u razvoju i negovanju mnogih umetnika uključujući Pan-Pot, Sebo K, Rodriguez Jr., Kevin Over i mnoge druge.
Ulaznice u pretprodaji od 20. novembra na svim Eventim i GIGS TIX prodajnim mestima.Serbian New Year is one of the favorite dates of a domestic audience that is always in the mood for celebration. In accordance with great expectations, the Central Dance Event has prepared a nice surprise to enrich its faithful companions of the brand.
Rodriguez Jr.. On January 13, he will perform his live performance in front of the full-scale clubbing in Hangar. Along with him, a well-known German DJ, producer and co-owner of „Mobilee“ Anja Schneider will also be at the mix.
Olivier Mateu, better known as Rodriguez Jr.. during his growing up, he oscillated between piano lessons and electronic music parties. The first glory was achieved as part of the famous electro act, The Youngsters, which became most famous for two studio albums and singles for F-Comunications, Laurent Garnier. Rodriguez Jr. it was created as a product of untamed Mateu’s creativity, thirst for something new and unexpected. With his live performance from the vintage synthesizer set, keyboard and dusty analogue equipment, he completes the feelings of satisfaction and re-inspiration. Drawing inspiration from completely divergent artists, Stockhausen, LFO, Carl Craig, Eric Satie, Kraftwerk and Michael Polnareff, Rodriguez Jr.’s adventurous spirit transforms his sublime creativity that can not be locked.
Featured lady of electronic music Anja Schneider on the stage has been very long, and it’s interesting that her career did not start behind the DJs, but in the radio cabin. She was the leader of the prestigious andergraund music show „Dance Under the Blue Moon“ on Fritz FM radio, the show with the longest broadcasting period of this kind in Berlin. As co-owner of the label „Mobilee“, she is also her best ambassador. Over the course of 12 years since its establishment, Anja has played a key role in the development and cultivation of many artists including Pan-Pot, Sebo K, Rodriguez Jr., Kevin Over and many others.
Tickets pre-sale from November 20 at all Eventim and GIGS TIX outlets.