Cirkobalkana festival u svom 6.izdanju pohodit će Zagreb od 28.travnja do 12.svibnja.2018. Radimo punom parom na 🙂 intrigantnom 🙂 programu koji ćemo uskoro objaviti! Jedno je sigurno-svatko će naći svoje mjesto i zanimaciju pod crvenim šatorom i oko njega!!! ostanite uz nas i rezervirajte datume!
Informacija za sve one koji planiraju posjetiti Cirkobalkanu u Srbiji: Program festivala u Srbiji će se realizirati u rujnu/septembru 2018.
28.4. Otvorenje festivala:
Ilona Jäntti (Fi), To every cloud, predstava (5+)
The Garden of flames (RS), performans
Bamwise (HR), koncert
29.4. Cirkobalkana Kaos Cabaret (HR/RS), predstava za sve uzraste
30.4. Nebulajzer fest; festival nevjerojatnih glazbenih umova
1.5. Prvomajski cirkuspiknik : radionice, jamin’zi, dj-evi, pizza, cjelodnevna zabava
Open Stage
2.5. Compagnia Zenhir (IT): Ah, com’e bello l’uomo, predstava (11+)
4.5. Lazuz (FR): Lazuz, predstava (5+)
5.5. Promocija albuma Franz Kafka Ensemble (HR): Circus noir
(glazbeno-cirkuski performans)
6.5. Klaun Ludek i Mesje Žulee (HR) : Između krajnosti, predstava za djecu
Teatar Polpet (Slo), Riba, ulična minijatura za sve uzraste
Work in progress večer:
MismoNismo (SLO): NOise Cirkus
Dora Popić, Antea Marinović, Antonia Vuletić, Mišo Komenda (HR): Tijelo, Zvuk i Svjetlo
7.5.-9.5. Filmske večeri, otvoreni treninzi, tribine, diskusije, debate
10.5. Dromocósmicas Teatro Itinerante (GR):
Vagor & Bellavita, predstava za sve uzraste
11.5. Work in progress večer:
Tatjana Vuletić i Ivan Tibor Grujić (HR): O / Obsolete
PetroLeja (HR): PUSHING BO(un)D(ar)IES
Malinada Kolektiv (HR/RS): (UN)connected
12.5. Laden Classe (It): 193 Problemi, predstava (5+)
ŽEN (HR), koncert
Zatvaranje festivala!
Cijene ulaznica: 20kn- 40 kn
Laboratorij cirkuske umjetnosti (edukativni program: detaljni raspored i informacije uskoro na facebook i web stranici Cirkobalkane ):
Trodnevne radionice
(kotizacija od 375 do 450 kn )
Radionica pokreta između žonglera I osobe u pokretu (plesač/ica, akrobat/kinja…) sa Ronom Beerijem I Itamarom Glucksmannom (Lazuz, FR)
Hand to Hand i partnering sa Henrijem i Luciom (Laden Classe, IT)
Manipulacija objektom i žongliranje sa Leonardom Cristianiem (Laden Classe, IT)
Trapez i ring sa Javierom Varelom Carrera (Laden Classe, IT)
Dizajn svjetla za suvremene cirkuske predstave sa Raffaeleom Biascom (Laden Classe, IT)
Jednodnevne radionice i tematska aktivna druženja (jam-ovi):
(kotizacija: dobrovoljna donacija)
Tatjana Vuletić (Cirkultura): HOOP
AcroFunkers: Radionica acro yoge i acro jam
Slackline Zagreb: slackline jam
Zračni jam (svila, trapez, uže)
Radionice za djecu: Parkour cirkuske radionice i radionica izrada lutaka Cirkobalkana Festival will visit Zagreb from 28th of April until the 12th of January 2018. We work full steam on 🙂 with intriguing 🙂 program we will soon announce! One thing is for sure – everyone will find their place and enchantment under the red tent and around it !!! stay with us and book your dates!
Information for all those planning to visit the Cirkobalkana in Serbia: The program of the festival in Serbia will be realized in September / September 2018.
28.4. Opening of the festival:
Ilona Jäntti (Fi), To every cloud, show (5+)
The Garden of Flames (RS), performance
Bamwise (HR), concert
29.4. Kaos Cabaret Circobalcel (HR / RS), performance for all ages
30.4. Nebulajzer fest; a festival of incredible musical minds
1.5. Prvomajski cirkuspiknik: workshops, jamin’zi, dj’s, pizza, all-day entertainment
Open Stage
2.5. Companion Zenhir (IT): Ah, how beautiful man, show (11+)
4.5. Lazuz (FR): Lazuz, performance (5+)
5.5. Franz Kafka Ensemble (HR) album promotion: Circus noir
(music-circus performance)
6.5. Klaun Ludek and Mesaj Zulee (HR): Between the extreme, the play for children
Polpet Theater (Slo), Fish, street miniature for all ages
Work in progress evening:
MismoNismo (SLO): NOISE Circus
Dora Popic, Antea Marinovic, Antonia Vuletic, Mišo Komenda (HR): Body, Sound and Light
7.5.-9.5. Film evenings, open training, forums, discussions, debates
10.5. Dromocosmicas Itinerant Theater (GR):
Vagor & Bellavita, a performance for all ages
11.5. Work in progress evening:
Tatjana Vuletic and Ivan Tibor Grujic (HR): O / Obsolete
PetroLeja (HR): PUSHING BO (un) D (ar) IES
Malinada Kolektiv (HR / RS): (UN) connected
12.5. Laden Classe (It): 193 Problems, Performance (5+)
Woman (HR), concert
Closing the Festival!
Ticket prices: 20kn- 40kn
Laboratory of Circus Art (educational program: detailed schedule and information soon on facebook and the Circobalnica website):
Three-day workshops
(registration fee from 375 to 450 kn)
The movement workshop between jugglers and people on the move (dancer, acrobatics …) with Ronin Beeri and Itamar Glucksmann (Lazuz, FR)
Hand to Hand and partnerships with Henri and Luci (Laden Classe, IT)
Manipulation of object and juggling with Leonard Cristiani (Laden Classe, IT)
Trapeze and ring with Javier Varela Carrera (Laden Classe, IT)
Design of lights for contemporary circus performances with Raffaele Biascom (Laden Classe, IT)
One-day workshops and thematic active gatherings (jams):
(registration fee: voluntary donation)
Tatjana Vuletić (Circultura): HOOP
AcroFunkers: Acro yoge workshop and acro jam
Slackline Zagreb: slackline jam
Air jam (silk, trapeze, rope)
Workshops for Kids: Parkour Circus Workshops and Workshop Making Dolls