Citizen Dick – Grunge MTV Unplugged 11.01.2018 Sax

Citizen Dick – Grunge MTV Unplugged 11.01.2018 Sax
Palmotićeva 22/2, Zagreb

Grunge hitovi bendova kao što su Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots i Alice In Chains u akustičnim varijantama koje je planetarno popularnima učinila serija koncerata MTV unplugged? Zašto ne! S ciljem da nam to prezentira u najboljem svjetlu u Sax stiže itekako iskusna i u drugim projektima aktivna ekipa splitskih glazbenika okupljena pod kultnim imenom Citizen Dick. Cijena karte je 35 / 45 kn, koncert polusjedeći, a broj karata zbog prirode svirke i ugođaja ograničen. Info o početku pretprodaje stiže uskoro!

Iza imena Citizen Dick krije se četvero Splićana koji pripadaju sada već zreloj generaciji rođenoj 80-ih godina, a odrasloj kroz 90-e uz zlatno doba grungea. Za svoj gušt odlučili su osnovati grunge tribute band, ali ne bilo kakav. Ovaj bend svira klasike grungea isključivo u unplugged verzijama. Razlog toj odluci pronalaze u tome što pjesme Alice In Chains, Nirvane, Pearl Jama ili Stone Temple Pilotsa i Soundgardena zbog svojih rock, punk i metal aranžmana često zaobilaze ljubitelje nešto “mekšeg” zvuka. Same pjesme su nerijetko pokazale da imaju u nekim slučajevima još i veću kvalitetu u svojim “ogoljenim” akustičnim verzijama, što vjerno pokazuju i nastupi originalnih grunge bandova u “MTV unplugged” seriji koncerata. Ova ekipa će vam definitivno približiti tu atmosferu vizualno i glazbeno. Kad tome pridodamo da se koncert održava u Saxu, prostoru koji sam po sebi ima taj poseban ugođaj dnevne sobe, možemo očekivati ne tako učestali doživljaj koji će zasigurno zadovoljiti sve štovatelje grungea kao i “unplugged” formata!
Grunge hits bands such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots and Alice In Chains in the acoustic variations made by the planetically popular MTV unplugged series of concerts? Why not! With the aim to present us in the best light in Sax, it is very experienced and in other projects, an active group of Split musicians gathered under the cult name Citizen Dick. The ticket price is 35/45 kn, the half-seat concert, and the number of tickets due to the nature of the play and the atmosphere is limited. Info about the beginning of the sale is coming soon!

Behind the names of Citizen Dick are the four Splinchians who belong to the now-mature generation born in the 80s, and the adult through the 90’s, along with the golden age of the grunge. They decided to create a grunge tribute band for their own sake, but not any. This band plays classic grunge exclusively in unplugged versions. The reason for this decision is that the songs of Alice In Chains, Nirvane, Pearl Jam or Stone Temple Pilots and Soundgarden, because of their rock, punk and metal arrangements, often overlook the fans of something „softer“. The same songs have often shown that they have in some cases even higher quality in their „rough“ acoustic versions, which faithfully shows and performs original grunge bands in the „MTV unplugged“ series of concerts. This team will definitely bring you closer to the atmosphere visually and musically. When we add the concert to Sax, the space that has this special atmosphere in the living room, we can expect a not so frequent experience that will surely meet all the grunge admirers as well as „unplugged“ formats!


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