„Čoveku koji je pao na Zemlju„, veče posvećeno Dejvidu Bouviju, jednom od najpoznatijih britanskih muzičara, pevača, kompozitora i glumaca biće održano u ponedeljak, 8.januara od 20h u Galeriji Polet, na dan njegovog rođenja.
Pre početka velike turneje u čast Dejvida Bouvija koja će biti održana u 26 gradova u Evropi i Severnoj Americi počev od 10. januara ove godine, beogradski Polet priprema svojevrsni omaž Bouviju gde ćemo imati priliku da, pored koncerta beogradskih muzičara, uživamo i u snimcima sa koncerata čoveka koji je obležio epohu.
Globalna superzvezda i jedna od najznačajnijih ikona modernog doba, Dejvid Bouvi je bio inspiracija milionima sledbenika i fanova širom sveta. Od prvih snimaka 60-ih godina, preko izmišljenih likova 70-ih (Ziggy Stardust, Aladin Sane i Thin White Duke) do zvezde koja puni stadione 80-ih i nastojanja da ponovo oživi sopstvenu kreativnost poslednjih godina, Bouvijeva karijera prožimala je pet decenija dug razvoj popularne muzike.
Ulaz je besplatan.“The man who fell to Earth„, already devoted to David Bouviu, one of the most famous British musicians, singers, composers and actors, will be held on Monday, January 8th at 20:00 in Galerie Polet, on the day of his birth.
Before the start of a major tour in honor of David Bouvie, which will be held in 26 cities in Europe and North America starting from January 10 this year, Belgrade Polet is preparing a homage to Bouvi, where we will have the opportunity, besides the concert of Belgrade musicians, to enjoy concerts the man who covered the epoch.
Global superstar and one of the most important icons of modern times, David Bouvie was an inspiration to millions of followers and fans around the world. From the first shootings of the 1960s, through the fictional characters of the 70s (Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane and Thin White Duke) to a star full of 80s and an effort to revive their own creativity in recent years, Bouvie’s career has swelled for five decades the development of popular music.
The entrance is free.