Doživi vrhunsko festivalsko iskustvo ovog leta 8. i 9. JUNA na nesvakidašnjoj lokaciji – parking Fashion park outlet center Inđija!
Jedinstvena žurka očekuje nas već prve noći festivala kada će densflor zatresti planetarno poznati hitmejker Ten Walls i jedan od najtraženijih svetskih techno izvođača UMEK! Vanserijskom rejvu pod otvorenim nebom pridružiće se i poznati miljenici domaće scene Lea Dobricic, Ilija Djokovic i Kristijan Molnar!
Đuska može da počne!Are you ready for HISTORY?
Experienced top-level festival experience this summer on 8th and 9th of June at unbelievable location – parking Fashion park outlet center Inđija!
A unique party is waiting for us on the first night of the festival when densflor will be thrown by the planetary famous hitman Ten Walls and one of the world’s most sought after techno artists UMEK! Under the open sky will be joined by the Vansery Reich, and will be joined by well-known family members Lea Dobricic, Ilija Djokovic and Kristijan Molnar!
Giuseppe can start!