Po prvi put u zimskoj bašti KPTM-a zvuci Jamajke, Kariba i Afrike.
Sa ponsom vam predstavljamo DANCEHALL FRIDAY!!
Petak 19.januar od 23h,
Prvo premijerno izdanje uz nastup Young Palk-a člana DJANS ekipe.
Rokaće se uživo hitovi poput: Burj Khalifa, Bomba, Choker i mnogi drugi….
Da bi Dancehall Friday bio poput bombe za muzičku selekciju i zarazne plesne ritmove pobrinuće se DJ Rahmanee i DJ Shone Alcapone( Couple Up.)
Ulaz je do ponoći besplatan, a nakon ponoći će se naplaćivati 200 dinara. Vidimo se u zimskoj bašti.For the first time in the winter garden of KPTM sounds Jamaica, the Caribbean and Africa.
With the pony we present you DANCEHALL FRIDAY !!
Friday 19th of January at 23h,
First premiere release featuring Young Palk member DJANSTeam.
Live live hits like Burj Khalifa, Bomba, Choker and many others ….
For Dancehall Friday to be a musical selection bomb and contagious dance rhythms, DJ Rahmanee and DJ Shone Alcapone (Couple Up.)
The entry is free until midnight, and after midnight 200 dinars will be charged. See you in the winter garden.