Nastavljamo sa serijalom žurki Dancehall Friday.
Ovog puta vrelinu Jamajke miksujemo sa plesnim ritmovima afričkog kontinenta.
Petak 16.02. od 23h
DANCEHALL meets AFROBEATS friday !!!
Krećemo iz KPTM-a (Žorža Klemansoa 22) na put oko sveta. Neke od narednih stanicu su nam: Jamajka, Gana i Nigerija. Vodiči na putu su već svima poznati: DJ Shone Alcapone i Tommy T, kojima se na ovom posebnom putešestviju priključuje i DJ Jay iz Kenije.
Dancehall afrobeats veče u potpuno novom KPTM-u!!!
Nisu potrebne rezervacije. Dođite i osetite pravu tropsku avanturu.
Ulaz na žurku 200 rsd. Vidimo se!!We continue with the Dancehall Friday show.
This time, the heat of Jamaica is mixed with dance rhythms of the African continent.
Friday 16.02. from 23h
DANCEHALL meets AFROBEATS friday !!!
We start from KPTM (Žorža Klemansoa 22) on the road around the world. Some of the following stations are: Jamaica, Ghana and Nigeria. Guides on the road are already known to everyone: DJ Shone Alcapone and Tommy T, who join DJ Jay from Kenya on this special trip.
Dancehall afrobeats night in a brand new KPTM !!!
No booking required. Come and feel the real tropical adventure.
Entrance to the party 200 rsd. See you !!