Povodom 40 godina izučavanja skandinavskih jezika na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu Grupa za skandinavistiku ima zadovoljstvo da vas pozove na Dane nordijskog filma.
Program se realizuje u saradnji sa ambasadama Danske, Finske, Norveške i Švedske u Beogradu uz podršku Nordijskog saveta ministara.
26.11 od 19h: OSTATI ŽIV (Norveška)
26.11 od 20.30h: KLJUČEVI KUĆA OGLEDALO (Danska)
3.12 od 19h: ČOVEK BEZ PROŠLOSTI (Finska)
8.12 od 19h: NE ŽALI ZA MNOM (Švedska)
Ulaz je slobodan
Dobrodošli u KC Grad.On the occasion of 40 years of studying Scandinavian languages at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, the Scandinavian Group has the pleasure of inviting you to the Days of the Nordic Film.
The program is being implemented in cooperation with the Embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in Belgrade with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
26.11 from 19h: OSTATI ŽIV (Norway)
26.11 at 20.30h: KEY HOUSE MIRROR (Denmark)
3.12 from 19h: A MAN WITHOUT PEOPLE (Finland)
8.12 from 19h: DO NOT WANT FOR MEN (Sweden)
The entrance is free. Welcom in KC City!