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Danijel Čehranov is back! Mladi virtuoz za miksetom i njegov All Night Long set su ovog vikenda ponovo u Tranzitu. Posle proputovanja i nastupa u Njujorku, vraća se spremniji nego ikada da razdrma podijum u našoj kući i zadrži vas budnima do prvog jutarnjeg prevoza kući.
Zbog velikog interesovanja vas molimo da svoja mesta rezervišete na vreme!
Info i rezervacije 0658726948
Danijel Čehranov is back! The young virtuoso for the musical and his All Night Long set this weekend again in Transit. After traveling and performing in New York, he returns more willing than ever to break the podium in our house and keep you awake until the first morning delivery to the house.
Because of the great interest we ask you to reserve your places in time!
Info and reservations 0658726948