SRIJEDA 18.04. • VRATA 20:00 • POČETAK 21:00 • UPAD 40 KN
U sklopu proljetne europske turneje, psyche bend Mythic Sunship svojim prvim nastupom u Hrvatskoj promovira svoj treći studijski album ‘Upheaval’. Kao podrška ekipi iz Kopenhagena nastupit će alternative/psyche rock bend Seven Mouldy Figs iz Zagreba.
WolfBad Squad i Red Rocket Style predstavljaju:
Mythic Sunship (Danska) – psyche/fuzz rock
Četveročlani instrumentalni bend po prvi puta dolazi u Zagreb u sklopu europske turneje na kojoj promoviraju svoj 3 album naziva ‘Upheaval’ izdanog na El Paraiso Records, label koji je nastao kao dio dugogodišnjeg rada benda Causa Sui.
Mythic Sunship svira improvizirani/long form rock koji je inspiriran jap/kraut/space rockom, free jazzom, stonerom i ostalim žanrovima, a rezultat je kombinacija snažnih jamova isprepletenih repetitivnim psihodeličnim dionicama.
Kao postojani član underground scene u Kopenhagenu, opisani su kao jedan od interesantnijih bendova europske psyche scene, a do sada su nastupali diljem planete i nastupali uz Moon Duo, Causa Sui, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard i mnoge druge.
Ouroboros (2016. ; El Paraiso Records)
Land Between Rivers (2017. ; El Paraiso Records)
Upheaval (2018. ; El Paraiso Records)
Mythic Sunship ‘Upheaval’ full album:
Seven Mouldy Figs (Zagreb) – alternative/psyche rock
Seven Mouldy Figs (7MF) je alternativni rock bend iz Zagreba. Osnovan je 2012., a aktivan od trećeg mjeseca 2013. Uz poneke promjene u postavi bend na ljeto 2014. postaje trio i nastavlja u pomalo psihodeličnom smjeru.
Laura T. (bubanj/back vokal), Laura M. (bas/back vokal) te Lucija (gitara/vokal) iza sebe imaju dva EP-a te album prvijenac ‘Labyrinth’ (rujan 2016.) koji je zasluženo dobio veliki broj pozitivnih recenzija u RH i regiji.
Iza sebe imaju mnoštvo koncerata po Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Austriji, Švedskoj, Njemačkoj, Švicarskoj, Srbiji i BiH te izvode samo autorske pjesme na engleskom jeziku.
Seven Mouldy Figs Live // Winter session // Requiem:
Saznaj više o programu Močvare: 18.04. • DOOR 20:00 • START 21:00 • UPDATE 40 KN
As part of the spring European tour, the psyche band Mythic Sunship promotes its third studio album ‘Upheaval’ with its first appearance in Croatia. The alternatives / psyche rock band Seven Moldy Figs from Zagreb will perform as a support from the Copenhagen team.
WolfBad Squad and Red Rocket Stylerepresent:
Mythic Sunship (Danska) – psyche/fuzz rock
The four-time instrumental band is coming to Zagreb for the first time as part of a European tour promoting its 3 albums, called ‘Upheaval’, released on El Paraiso Records, a label that has emerged as part of the long-standing work of the band Causa Sui.
Mythic Sunship plays an improvised / long form rock inspired by jap / kraut / space rock, free jazz, stoner and other genres, and is the result of a combination of powerful jams intertwined with repetitive psychedelic shapes.
As a permanent member of the underground scene in Copenhagen, they are described as one of the most interesting bands of the European psycho scene, and have been performing all over the planet and playing with Moon Duo, Causa Sui, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard and many others.
Ouroboros (2016; El Paraiso Records)
Land Between Rivers (2017; El Paraiso Records)
Upcoming (2018; El Paraiso Records)
Mythic Sunship ‘Upheaval’ full album:
Seven Mouldy Figs (Zagreb) – alternative/psyche rock
Seven Moldy Figs (7MF) is an alternative rock band from Zagreb. It was founded in 2012 and has been active since the third month of 2013. With some changes to the set, the band in the summer of 2014 becomes a trio and continues in a slightly psychedelic direction.
Laura T. (drum / back vocals), Laura M. (bass / back vocals) and Lucija (guitar / vocals) have two EPs and Labyrinth album (September 2016), which deserves a large number positive reviews in the Republic of Croatia and the region.
Behind him are many concerts in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Serbia and Bosnia and only perform authoring songs in English.
Seven Moldy Figs Live // Winter session // Requiem:
Find out more about the Moorage program: