Darko Rundek & Ekipa održaće koncert 22. aprila u dvorani Kulturnog centra Pančeva. Ulaznica je 1.000 dinara na blagajni Kulturnog centra.
Vođa uticajnog zagrebačkog novotalasnog sastava Haustora, hrvatski muzičar Darko Rundek se prvi put predstavio samostalno 1997. godine albumom “Apokalipso”, istinskim kaleidoskopom različitih stilova koji je brzo stekao veliko poštovanje publike i kritike. Velike Haustorove pesme poput “Ene”, “Šejna” ili “Bi mog’o da mogu” dostojno su nasledile “Apokalipso”, “Grane smo na vjetru”, “Senor”…
Autor, pevač i gitarista Rundek je zatim objavio “U širokom svijetu” (2000), a za sledeći album “Ruke” (2002) iza sebe je okupio mnogoljudni Cargo orkestar sa kojim je snimio i “Mhm a-ha oh yeah da-da” (2006), kao i žive albume “Zagrebačka magla” (2004) i “Live u Domu omladine” (2008).
Uvek spreman na eksperiment, Rundek se potom odlučio za svedeniju formu Rundek Cargo Trija (sa violinistkinjom Isabel Catala i multiinstrumentalistom Dušanom Ducom Vranićem) sa kojim je objavio “Plavi avion” (2010) i “Mostove” (2015).
Povodom 20 godina od izlaska albuma “Apocalypso”, Rundek je 2017. ponovo okupio veliki prateći bend nazvan Ekipa, a ubrzo potom su stigli singlovi “Tamni jorgovan”, „Crni dusi“ i „Barbara“.
“Naravno da nam je važna svaka reakcija publike. Koncert je događaj koji objedinjuje muzičare i publiku u nečem što ne pripada ni jednima ni drugima” – Darko Rundek.
The leader of the influential Croatian novelist composition of Haustor, Croatian musician Darko Rundek first appeared alone in 1997 with the album „Apokalipso“, a true kaleidoscope of different styles, which quickly gained great public respect and criticism. Great Haustor’s songs such as „Ene“, „Shee“ or „They could be able to“ are worthy of the „Apocalypso“, „We are in the wind“, „Senor“ …
The author, singer and guitarist Rundek then released „In the Wide World“ (2000), and for the next album „Hands“ (2002), he assembled the lavish Cargo Orchestra with which he recorded and „Mhm a-ha oh yeah da-da „(2006), as well as live albums“ Zagrebačka magla „(2004) and“ Live in the Youth House „(2008).
Already ready for the experiment, Rundek subsequently decided for the smaller form of Rundek Cargo Trio (with violinist Isabel Catala and multi-instrumentalist Dušan Ducom Vranić) with which he published „Blue Plane“ (2010) and „Bridge“ (2015).
On the occasion of 20 years since the release of the album „Apocalypso“, Rundek in 2017 brought together a large band called Team, and shortly thereafter came the singles „Dark Lights“, „Black Dusas“ and „Barbara“.
„Of course, every reaction of the audience is important to us. The concert is an event that unites musicians and audiences in something that does not belong to either or any other „- Darko Rundek.