David Picouet live 22.11.2017. Kvaka22

David Picouet live 22.11.2017. Kvaka22
Ruzveltova 39, Beograd

David Picouet live 22.11 Kvaka22

David has just released his new album : L’Exercice Particulier.
This first instrumental project is fully composed around one guitar.
It has been recorded in a french church. Time is different in a church, It forces you to think, to use boredom, it brings you to devotion. This rigorous and careful involvement of a person in his work or in his personal life.

L’Exercice Particulier represents music in its particular way, it means « inside of oneself » : the exercise to extract, to seek the blur and the nudity.

/// FALL 2017 – « L’Exercice Particulier » TOUR in Europe ///

Additional Informations (listening links, pictures and videos) :
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/david-picouet-duny
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/davidpicouetduny/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt6-7t1Kzd7S6xayjFl32GDavid Picouet live 22.11 Kvaka22

David has just released his new album : L’Exercice Particulier.
This first instrumental project is fully composed around one guitar.
It has been recorded in a french church. Time is different in a church, It forces you to think, to use boredom, it brings you to devotion. This rigorous and careful involvement of a person in his work or in his personal life.

L’Exercice Particulier represents music in its particular way, it means « inside of oneself » : the exercise to extract, to seek the blur and the nudity.

/// FALL 2017 – « L’Exercice Particulier » TOUR in Europe ///

Additional Informations (listening links, pictures and videos) :
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/david-picouet-duny
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/davidpicouetduny/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt6-7t1Kzd7S6xayjFl32G


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