Jedna od najatraktivnijih dama svetske elektronske scene, harizmatična Italijanka Deborah De Luca, nastupiće u petak 18. maja, po prvi put u “kultnoj” Barutani, na Kalemegdanu, a pridružiće joj se Lexlay, španski DJ, producent i vlasnik izdavačke kuće „Happy Techno Music“.
Balansirajući između želje da postane modni dizajner i ljubavi prema muzici i noćnom životu, Deborah upoznaje italijanskog DJ-a i producenta Giuseppe-a Cennamo-a, koji je uvodi u svet mikosovanja i produkcije. Zbog DJ-inga odustaje od karijere modne kreatorke i počinje da se bavi i muzičkom produkcijom. Nakon izdavanja prvih traka za svoju izdavačku kuću „Sola_mente Records“, usledili su i prvi angažmani po rodnoj Italiji. Deborina izdanja naišla su na pozitivne kritike poznatih svetskih DJ-eva, kao što su: Magda, Dj Ralf, Someone Else i Layo & Bushwacka. Ova prava techno dama nastupala je u mnogim velikim klubovima širom sveta i važi za jednu od najtraženijih ženskih DJ-eva današnjice. Muzika koju pušta je za samo nekoliko godina postala popularan brend, prepoznatljiv po kvalitetnoj fuziji hard techno-a i minimalnog zvuka, a sama Deborah sinonim za strast, jak karakter i harizmu.
Ona za sebe kaže da živi za muziku i da je njen stil uvek drugačiji iz razloga što stalno uči, i iznova se upoznaje i eksperimentiše sa raznim žanrovima elektronske muzike, što je i čini prepoznatljivom i unikatnom.
– Ja ne biram muziku, ona bira mene. Moji setovi su različiti i prate ono kako se osećam, kako sam raspoložena te večeri… Naravno, ne odmičem se previše od osnove koja je tehno, ali igram se sa vokalima i melodijama u zavisnosti od toga kakva se tog jutra probudim – objasnila je Deborah.
Rođen u Barseloni, Lexlay već više od decenije, svetu predstavlja svoj pogled na muziku. Nakon dosta godina rada, sve vreme vođen svojim veselim i pozitivnim karakterom, pronašao je mesto kao poštovan artist internacionalne muzičke scene.
Lexlay je sinonim za radost, osveženje i strast, zbog čega je tokom njegovih setova zagarantovana odlična zabava. Prilagodljiv kao kameleon, svojim muzičkim putovanjem pruža publici šta ona želi, od koje svaki put dobije kolektivno uzvraćenu emociju. Njegov muzički stil, okarakterisan elegancijom tempa vibrira između senzualnosti house zvuka pa do više groovy techno-a.
Sve je više prestižnih klubova i dešavanja koja ga traže da bude deo lineup-a, a dokaz tome su njegovi nastupi na mestima poput „Space“, „Pacha“, „Privilege“ (Ibiza), „Fabrik“ (Madrid), „Elrow“, „Florida135“ gde je delio pult sa imenima od kojih su samo neka, Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Luciano, Marco Carola, Loco Dice…
Jedan je od osnivača prepoznatljivog brenda „Happy Techno“, sa kojim je uz svoju ekipu pokorio publiku Barselone, hostujući poznate žurke nedeljom uveče u jednom od najpoznatijih klubova, „City Hall“-u.
Kada govorimo o produkciji, Lexlay je veoma posvećen u usavršavanju svog rada, kao i fokusiranju ka napredku svog lejbla „Happy Techno Music“. Pored toga, broji zapažena izdanja na priznatim internacionalnim etiketama, „Material Series“, „Deeperfect“, „Moan“, „303Lovers & Stereo Productions“.
Balancing between the desire to become a fashion designer and a love for music and nightlife, Deborah meets Italian DJ and producer Giuseppe Cennamo, who introduces him into the world of mycosis and production. Due to DJ-ing, she gives up her career as a fashion designer and starts producing music. Following the release of the first bands for their record label „Sola_mente Records“, the first engagements for their native Italy followed. Deborina izdanja have come across positive reviews of famous DJs, such as: Magda, Dj Ralf, Someone Else and Layo & Bushwacka. This real techno lady has performed in many big clubs around the world and is one of the most sought after female DJ’s of today. The music she has been playing has become a popular brand in just a few years, recognizable by the high-quality fusion of hard techno and minimal sound, and Deborah himself is synonymous with passion, strong character and charisma.
She tells herself that she lives for music and that her style is always different because she constantly teaches and re-introduces and experiments with various genres of electronic music, which makes her recognizable and unique.
– I do not choose music, she chooses me. My sets are different and they follow how I feel, how am I mood that evening … Of course, I’m not moving too far from the basics of techno, but I play with vocals and melodies depending on what I wake up that morning – she explained Deborah.
Born in Barcelona, Lexlay for more than a decade, the world presents his vision of music. After many years of work, all the time guided by his cheerful and positive character, he found the place as a respected artist of the international music scene.
Lexlay is synonymous with joy, refreshment and passion, which ensures excellent entertainment throughout its sets. Adaptable as a chameleon, with its musical journey, it gives the audience what it wants, from which every time it receives a collective reverberated emotion. His musical style, characterized by elegance of the tempo, vibrates between the sensuality of house sound and more groovy techno.
There are more and more prestigious clubs and events that require him to be part of the lineup, and his proof is that he has appearances in places such as Space, Pacha, Privilege (Ibiza), Fabrik (Madrid), Elrow „,“ Florida135 „where he shared a desktop with only names, Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Luciano, Marco Carola, Loco Dice …
He is one of the founders of the recognizable brand „Happy Techno“, with whom he conquered the audience of Barcelona with his team, hosting the famous parties Sunday night at one of the most famous clubs, „City Hall“.
When it comes to production, Lexlay is very dedicated to perfecting his work, as well as focusing on the progress of his lab „Happy Techno Music“. In addition, he has noted noteworthy releases on recognized international labels, „Material Series“, „Deeperfect“, „Moan“, „303Lovers & Stereo Productions“.