DEDA JE PAO 24.12.2017. Narodno pozorište

DEDA JE PAO 24.12.2017. Narodno pozorište
Sinđelićev Trg bb, Niš

BIG TIME: Ultimate Dance Show
by George M

Narodno pozorište Niš

Gde su naši pokloni???

Deda je praznih ruku došao u grad… Šta se desilo sa poklonima? Gde su zalutali i u čijim su rukama?

Ovo je show koji vas vodi u najzabačenije ćoškove uma deda Mraza. Kroz 30 plesnih numera misterija će biti rešena, ili neće XD

Continuum Dance Theatre i Plesni klub Swing vas pozivaju na najzabavniju predstavu u univerzumu. Za vas će plesati više od 200 plesača koji tradicionalno zatvaraju sezonu 2017.

Predstava je namenjena svim uzrastima.
Karte u pretprodaji možete kupiti od 07.12.2017. na sledećim lokacijama:Hemingway CaffeContinuum Development CentrePK Swing Nis
Cena karte: 400 din
*porodični popust (za učesnike) 3 karte 900 din
BIG TIME: Ultimate Dance Show
Santa has fallen  by George M

National Theatre


Where are our gifts ???

Grandfather’s empty hands came to town … What happened to the presents? Where are they missing and in whose hands they are?

This is a show that takes you to the most distant corners of the mind of Santa Claus. Through 30 dance tracks, the mystery will be resolved, or not XD

Continuum Dance Theater and Swing Dance Club invite you to the most fun present in the universe. More than 200 dancers who traditionally close the 2017 season will dance for you.

The performance is intended for all ages.
You can buy pre-sold tickets from 07/12/2017. at the following locations: Hemingway CaffeContinuum Development CentrePK Swing Nis
Price of the card: 400 din
* family discount (for participants) 3 tickets 900 din


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