Beogradski rege pioniri i legende domaće scene Del Arno Bend, prvi put će svirati u Zemunu 9.decembra u klubu Fest!
Prošle godine Del Arno Bend obeležio je prvih 30 godina rada i to na najbolji mogući način – koncertima i novim izdanjima! Nakon duge diskografske pauze najpre su uradili singl „Ljut sam“, a zatim obradovali svoje fanove Box Set izdanjem „Igraj dok te ne sruše – prvih 30 godina“. Ubrzo nakon toga usledio je i novi singl „Još uvek ima nade“ koji je nastao kao rezultat dugogodišnje saradnje benda sa Hornsmanom Kojotom. Rad na novom albumu nastavljaju ove jeseni, sa sastavom “Jenđe” rade na projektu koji će biti jedinstven na ovim prostorima.
Da nemaju nameru da stanu i da, kako i sami kažu – tek počinju, dokazali su i izuzetno aktivnom koncertnom sezonom. U uspešnoj godini koja je iza njih obišli su neke od najvećih festivala u regionu: Love Fest, Exit, Nišville, Beer Fest, a nedavno su otvorili i novu sezonu u Božidarcu.
I dalje puni energije i rešeni da tek pokažu koliko je i snage i kreativnosti u njima, nastavljaju koncertnu sezonu prvim nastupom u klubu Fest!
„Ovo će biti prvi koncert ikada Del Arno Benda u Zemunu…“ konstatuju i dodaju “Dođite da zajedno napravimo istoriju!“
Budite i vi deo istorije, dođite na prvi koncert Del Arno Benda u Zemunu, 9.decembra u 22h u klubu Fest!
Ulaznice su u pretprodaji u klubu Fest I FELIX Shop, TC Sremska po ceni od 700 dinara.Belgrade Reggae pioneers and legends of the domestic scene Del Arno Band, will play for the first time in Zemun on December 9 in the club Fest!
Last year, Del Arno Bend marked the first 30 years of work in the best possible way – concerts and new releases! After a long disco break, they first made the single „I’m angry“ and then rejoiced their fans Box Set with the play „Play until you crash – the first 30 years.“ Shortly thereafter came the new single „Still Hope“, which was created as a result of longtime collaboration with Hornsman Coyote. Work on the new album continues this autumn, with the composition „Yenđ“ working on a project that will be unique in this region.
If they did not intend to stop and, as they themselves say – they are only starting, they have proven themselves as an extremely active concert season. In the successful year behind them, they visited some of the biggest festivals in the region: Love Fest, Exit, Nišville, Beer Fest, and recently opened a new season in Bozidarac.
Still full of energy and determined to show just how much power and creativity in them, they continue the concert season with the first performance at Fest!
„This will be the first concert ever made by Del Arno Band in Zemun …“ and add „Come together to make history together!“
Be part of the history, come to the first concert of Del Arno Band in Zemun, December 9th at 22h at the club Fest!
Tickets are pre-sale at Fest I FELIX Shop, TC Sremska at a price of 700 dinars.