Denis Sulta • 11.05.2018.Barutana

Denis Sulta • 11.05.2018.Barutana
Kalemegdan, Beograd

Barutana i Blender sa velikim uzbuđenjem najavljuje nastup nesvakidašnjeg Denis Sulte na najlepšoj otvorenoj letnjoj lokaciji Beograda.

Denis Sulta u kratkom vremenskom periodu izdvojio se kao jedno od najuzbudljivijih mladih imena plodne glazgovske andergraund scene. Njegov jedinstveni zvuk pažljivo je iskrojen, a veći deo svog muzičkog obrazovanja duguje radu u internacionalno renomiranoj Rubadub prodavnici ploča.

Držeći svoj zanat pod vođstvom nekih od najpoštovanijih lokalnih muzičkih selektora, DJeva i producenata, Denis Sulta dobio je priliku da se svojim vokalnim izvođenjem predstavi izdanjima za Dixon Avenue Bassement Jams u 2014. Još tada, elektronskoj muzičkoj industriji, pokazao je svoje dominirajuće sposobnosti veoma primećenim bogatim i probojnim izdanjima za etiketu Numbers, a u skorije vreme i za sopstveni lejbl Sulta Selects.

Sultin veoma precizan i raznolik pristup dance muzici, odmah se izdvojio vidljivom sposobnošću da dosegne neverovatne razmere za nekoga ko je još uvek na početku. Konstantne pohvale i podrška od strane kolega DJeva i producenata od kojih su neki, Jackmaster, Skream, Four Tet i Optimo, veoma su pomogle napornom Sultinom radu, što je na kraju dovelo da sarađuje na projektima za Annie Mac zajedno na Radio 1 i legendarnom klubu Space na Ibici.

Ovaj ekstravagantni producent uspešno je diplomirao na Red Bull Akademiji u Montrealu, trenutno puštajući ploče na radiju I klubovima širom sveta. Denis Sulta, 2016. lansirao se na 26. mesto Resident Advisor liste, postavši najbolje kotiran novi artis, a kako glasine kažu ne samo tada nego svih vremena. Nesumnjivo je jasno da nema usporavanja ritma za već slavnog gospodina Sultu.

Ulaznice za beogradski nastup Denis Sulte nalaze se u prodaji putem mrežaEventim Serbia i GIGS TIX. and Blender announce with great excitement the appearance of the unusual Denis Sulta at the most beautiful open summer location in Belgrade.

Denis Sulta singled out for a short period of time as one of the most exciting young names of a fruitful musical andergraund scene. His unique sound is carefully crafted, and he owes most of his music education to work in an internationally renowned Rubadube record store.

Holding his craft under the leadership of some of the most respected local music selectors, DJs and producers, Denis Sulta was given the opportunity to present his vocal performances for Dixon Avenue Bassement Jams in 2014. Even then, the electronic music industry showed his dominant abilities very noticeable rich and piercing releases for the Numbers label, and more recently for its own label Sulta Selects.

Sultin has a very precise and diverse approach to dance music, immediately distinguished himself by the visible ability to reach incredible conditions for someone who is still at the beginning. Constant praise and support from colleagues of DJs and producers, some of whom, Jackmaster, Skream, Four Tet and Optimo, greatly helped the hard work of Sultan’s work, which eventually led to collaborating on projects for Annie Mac together on Radio 1 and the legendary club Space on Ibiza.

This extravagant producer has successfully graduated from the Red Bull Academy in Montreal, currently playing radio stations and clubs around the world. Denis Sulta, 2016, launched the 26th place of the Resident Advisor list, becoming the best-listed new artis, and rumors say not only then, but all the time. It is undoubtedly clear that there is no slowing down of rhythm for the already famous Mr. Sult.

Tickets for the Belgrade show Denis Sulte are sold via the networks of Eventim Serbia and GIGS TIX.


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