DINGOSPO DALI 30.11.2017. Dom omladine

DINGOSPO DALI 30.11.2017. Dom omladine
Makedonska 22, Beograd


ČETVRTAK, 30. NOVEMBAR 2017. U 20:00

Alternativni rok sastav Dingospo Dali svoj debitantski album „Sve dok mislim da je ovo drugi svet“ koncertno će promovisati 30. novembra (20:00) u Klubu Doma omladine Beograda, uz besplatan ulaz za posetioce. „Najveći razlog ovog okupljanja je izdavanje našeg albuma prvenca, što je značajan trenutak za nas. Zajedno sa novim gitaristom Markom Mićanovićem izvešćemo po prvi put svih 12 pesama sa albuma. Drugi razlog je i taj što nismo svirali u Beogradu godinu dana, pa eto prilike i da nas oni koji su se uželeli ponovo čuju uživo“, poručuje Dingospo Dali.

Posebnost koncertne promocije, uz slobodan ulaz, biće prilika da posetioci prvi kupe po promotivnoj ceni od 300 dinara CD „Sve dok mislim da je ovo drugi svet“, koji će zvanično tog dana objaviti promoterska kuća Long Play. CD će se potom naći po većoj ceni u redovnoj prodaji od 4. decembra, a biće dostupan i preko iTunes, Deezer i Spotify.

Dingospo Dali je postao zapažen pobedom na prvom televizijskom festivalu demo bendova BUNT ROK FESTIVAL 2015, a sad je stigao i do debi albuma „Sve dok mislim da je ovo drugi svet“, na kome se nalazi 12 pesama prožetih mladalačkim emocijama, strahovima i željama. Dingospo Dali na autentičan način spaja gruv i ritmičnost sa nežnošću i melodičnošću, što se već moglo čuti u singlovima „Sa krova“, „Ona“, „Ne pitaj se“ i „Pelin“.

Pevačica Sandra Grubić, bubnjar Nikola Vidojević, basista Nemanja Bulatović i gitaristi Nikola Mišić i Miloš Kasalović, ističu da na albumu „svaka pesma ima posebnu tematiku, neke su malo progresivnije, neke su blaže, ima dosta različitih boja, tonova, melodija“.

„Svi se u bendu dosta razlikujemo, pa se u određenim pesmama može osetiti taj haos u sudaru energija. Na prvo slušanje može biti vrlo neobično i haotično, pa je savet da se posvetite albumu kod kuće dok ste sami, ili na slušalicama u prevozu ili kolima kako bi se uhvatila suština. To je neki šturi putokaz za album, a pesme će već same sve reći“, kaže Sandra Grubić.CONCERT PROMOTION OF DEBI ALBUM BENDA DINGOSPO DALI

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2017 at 08 pm

Alternative rock band Dingospo Dali will debut his debut album „As long as I think this is the second world“ will be promoted on November 30th (20:00) at the Club of the Youth Center of Belgrade, with a free entrance for visitors. „The biggest reason for this gathering is the release of our first album, which is a significant moment for us. Together with the new guitarist Marko Mićanović, we will report for the first time all 12 songs from the album, and another reason is that we did not play in Belgrade for a year, and that those who wished to hear us live again, „Dingospo Dali says.

The specialty of the concert promotion, with the free entrance, will be an opportunity for the visitors to buy at the promotional price of 300 dinars CD „As long as I think this is the second world“, which is officially announced on that day by the Long Play promotional house. The CD will then be available at a higher price in regular sales since December 4th, and will also be available through iTunes, Deezer and Spotify.

Dingospo Dali became remarkable at winning the first BUNT ROK FESTIVAL 2015 demo band, and now he has reached the debut of the album „As long as I think this is the second world“, with 12 songs permeated with youthful emotions, fears and desires. Dingospo Dali authentically combines lust and rhythm with gentleness and melody, which could already be heard in singles „From the Roof,“ „She,“ „Do not Ask,“ and „Pelin“.

Singer Sandra Grubić, drummer Nikola Vidojević, bass player Nemanja Bulatović and guitarists Nikola Mišić and Miloš Kasalović, point out that „every song has a special theme, some are slightly progressive, some are milder, there are many different colors, tones, melodies.“

„Everyone in the band is very different, so in certain songs you can feel that chaos in a collision of energy. At first listening can be very unusual and chaotic, so it’s a tip to dedicate to the album at home while you are alone or on headphones in the carriage or in order to capture the essence. It is a studious road sign for the album, and the songs will tell me everything, „says Sandra Grubic.


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