* Do The Math (Downtown Airlines)
* Little Lu (Downtown Airlines)
Soul, funk, jazz, rare groove, future boogie, house, broken beat, hip hop, afrobeat, downtempo, i ostale eklektične i egzotične stvari.
Po prvi put all nighter ova dva mlada momka u Zaokretu, pošto i ovako ne provode dovoljno vremena u njemu. Downtown Airlines ekipa je u zgradi, podmladak beogradskoj DJ sceni, svojim šarmom i selekcijom su u protekloj godini nekoliko puta iznenadili publiku. Od žanrova može da se očekuje sve, a oni najsladji tjunovi idu sa vinila!* Do The Math (Downtown Airlines)
* Little Lu (Downtown Airlines)
Soul, funk, jazz, rare groove, future boogie, house, broken beat, hip hop, afrobeat, downtempo, and other eclectic and exotic things.
For the first time all the nighter these two young guys in Zaokret, since this is not how they spend enough time in it. The Downtown Airlines team is in the building, the youngest of the Belgrade DJ scene, with their charm and selection in the past year, several times surprised the audience. Everything can be expected from genres, and those coolest tunes go with vinyl!