Međunarodni klub žena (IWC) u nedelju, 3. decembra organizuje 16. Dobrotvorni diplomatski bazar. U hali 2 na Beogradskom sajmu svoje autentične proizvode predstaviće izlagači iz više od 40 zemalja, među kojima su brojne ambasade i međunarodne organizacije. Pored prodaje suvenira, prehrambenih i proizvoda sa jasnim obeležjima zemalja iz kojih dolaze, ovu manifestaciju svake godine upotpunjuje i kulturno-umetnički program i predstavljanje muzike i folklora zemalja učesnica. Svoj štand imaće i Srbija.
Jedan od segmenata Dobrotvornog diplomatskog bazara biće, već uobičajeno, dečji kutak, u kome će se zabavljati najmlađi, a i ove godine biće organizovana prodaja polovnih knjiga, pekara, lutrija…
Sav prihod sa Božićnog bazara namenjen je najugroženijem stanovništvu u Srbiji. Još nije odlučeno da li će novac ove godine biti doniran starim licima, deci, osobama sa posebnim potrebama, žrtvama porodičnog nasilja…, ali će svakako biti u funkciji ekonomskog osnaživanja ugroženih grupa i inkluzivnog obrazovanja.
Božićni bazar održava se u nedelju, 3. decembra u hali 2 Beogradskog sajma, a traje od 10 do 16 časovaThe International Women’s Club (IWC) organizes on Sunday, December 3, 16th Christmas Charity Bazaar. At Belgrade Fair Hall 2, the exhibitors from more than 40 countries will present their authentic products, among them many Embassies and International Organizations. Beside the sales of souvenirs, food products and those with clear signs of the countries they come from, this event is annually completed also by the cultural/entertainment program and music and folklore of the participating countries. Serbia will have its stand, as well.
One of the sections of the Christmas Charity Bazaar will be the Children’s Corner, as usually, where the youngsters will have fun and this year, the sales of used books, bakery, lottery, etc. will be organized, as well.
The whole income from the Christmas Charity Bazaar is devoted to the most endangered population in Serbia. It has not been decided yet whether the money will be donated this year to the old people, children, the persons with special needs, family violence victims… but it will certainly support economic strengthening of the endangered groups and inclusive education.
The Christmas Charity Bazaar is held on Sunday, December 3, at Belgrade Fair Hall 2, from 10.00 a. m. to 4.00 p. m.