Doček Nove Godine 2018 – Restoran Stadion Hall Voždovac!
Neka vam ova novogodišnja noć bude najlepša inspiracija za budućnost i započnite 2018. u odabranom društvu u potpuno novoj i modernoj sali STADION HALL.
Svečana novogodišnja večera na bazi švedskog stola inspirisana i kreirana od strane vrhunskog kulinarskog tima učiniće Vam poseban užitak i neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnima.
Daćemo sve od sebe da Vam najluđa noć u Stadion Hall-u bude apsolutno neponovljiva. Dvorana je posebno ukrašena, opremljena i osvetljena za novogodišnji doček. Cena dočeka već od 70e po osobi zavisno od pozicije stola u samoj sali i uključuje svečanu večeru na bazi švedskog stola i neograničeno domaće i strano piće cele večeri.
Ubedljivo najlepši pogled na srspku prestonicu (spoljni zidovi sale su u staklu). Fenomenalno i moderno opremljena sala na poslednjem spratu shopping centra Stadion Voždovac. Stadion Hall poseduje klimatizaciju, ventilaciju, profesionalno ozvučenje i rasvetu, kao i parking za 1500 vozila.
Sa ponosom i zadovoljstvom pozivamo Vas da nam se pridružite 31.12.2017. na najglamuroznijem i najvećem dočeku Nove 2018-e godine sa početkom od 21h u STADION HALL-u u društvu najbližih. U nadi da ćemo opravdati sva vaša očekivanja i zadobiti vaše poverenje i ove i narednih godina, radujemo se skorom susretu i pozdravljamo vas.New Year’s Eve 2018 – Restaurant Stadion Hall Voždovac!
Let this New Year’s Eve be the most beautiful inspiration for the future and start in 2018 in a chosen company in a brand new and modern STADION HALL.
A festive New Year’s buffet dinner inspired by and created by a cutting-edge culinary team will make you a special pleasure and will not leave you indifferent.
We will do our best to make your craziest night at Stadion Hall absolutely unrepeatable. The hall is specially decorated, equipped and lit for New Year’s Eve. The price comes from 70e per person depending on the position of the table in the hall itself and includes a gala dinner on the basis of a buffet and unlimited domestic and foreign drinks all night.
Surely the most beautiful view of the heart of the capital (the outer walls are in glass). A phenomenal and modern equipped hall on the last floor of the shopping center Stadion Voždovac. Hall Hall has air conditioning, ventilation, professional lighting and lighting, as well as parking for 1500 vehicles.
We are proud and pleased to invite you to join us on December 31, 2017. on the most glamorous and greatest welcome of the New Year 2018 with the beginning of 21h at STADION HALL in the company of the closest ones. In the hope that we will justify all your expectations and gain your trust this and the following years, we look forward to the last meeting and we welcome you.