Doček Pravoslavne 2018 uz Apsolutno Romantično Bend u restoranu Absolut – ribarsko ostrvo
Cena karte 700 din.
Ne primaju se rezervacije…već se karte po ceni od 700 din. prodaju i onda pravi spisak za sedenje…
Dogovarajte se, pa mi se javite kako doći do karata… 😉
Po ovoj ceni nećete nigde naći u gradu bolji provod za doček pravoslavne nove godine i to uz naš “ Apsolutno Romantično Bend “
Nećete biti u obavezi da naručite hranu , ali restoran će specijalno za ovu priliku ponuditi odličan meni i raznovrstan izbor pića
Prodaja karata : 065 / 639-29-42 Ljuba
Kupovinu karte realizovaćete uplatom na TR : 355 -3200458133-09
na ime Ljubiša Milošević , i Vašim imenom kao pošiljaoca i svrha uplate : karte za 13. januar. Na taj način obezbedili ste i mesta u restoranu.
ps : Ne pitajte šta sve dobijate u ceni karte…Orthodox New Year 2018 with Absolute Romantic Band at Absolut Restaurant – Fishing Island
Price card 700 din.
No bookings are accepted … but tickets are priced at 700 din. Selling and then a real list for sitting …
Do it yourself, so let me know how to get to the ticket …;)
At this price, you will not find anywhere in the city a better time to celebrate the Orthodox New Year with our „Absolutely Romantic Band“
You will not be obliged to order food, but the restaurant will offer an excellent menu and a varied selection of beverages especially for this occasion.
Ticket sales: 065 / 639-29-42 Ljuba
You will complete the purchase of the card by paying to TR: 355 -3200458133-09
on behalf of Ljubisa Milosevic, and your name as sender and purpose of payment: tickets for January 13th. That way you also provided places in the restaurant.
ps: Do not ask what you get in the price of the map …
Doček Pravoslavne 2018 u Absolut-u – Ribarsko ostrvo

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