Stoner/doom band from Poland. Founded in late 2010 in Lublin. Released their debut album „Magick Rites“ in 2012 followed by „Black Arts, Riff Worship & Weed Cult“ in 2014. Smoking, rehearsing and touring. Their main inspirations are: old movies, 70s music and magical herbs. They tune low and play slow.
Prvi deo karata po promotivnoj ceni od samo 800 dinara možete kupiti uZaokretu (preko puta Elektropionira, radno vreme: 9~00h).
Za one koji žive VAN Beograda: preko možete izvršiti rezervaciju ulaznica po ceni od 1000 dinara koliko će koštati u redovnoj prodaji. U pismu obavezno navesti ime, prezime, količinu karata i broj mobilnog. Na dan koncerta isključivo na ulazu, po 1200…
Najsvežije info na Resetor stranici…Stoner/doom band from Poland. Founded in late 2010 in Lublin. Released their debut album „Magick Rites“ in 2012 followed by „Black Arts, Riff Worship & Weed Cult“ in 2014. Smoking, rehearsing and touring. Their main inspirations are: old movies, 70s music and magical herbs. They tune low and play slow.