Mihajlo Dondur – Don.Eye 18.11.. Kc Lab, Subota 21h/01h
Početkom srednje škole pokazuje sklonost ka fotografiji i kameri. Odmah posle završetka nastavlja studije na : „Akademiji Umetnosti u Novom Sadu“ na odseku za kameru. Posle kamere, veliku ljubav pokazuje prema „electro“ muzici i kao deo ekipe Drive By-a pokreće ovu grupu. Zvaničan fotograf i snimatelj ekipe Chain Reaction / Lančana Reakcija od početka i osnivanja te grupe. Iza sebe ima jednu samostalnu izložbu , rad na “Serbia Fashion Week” i nekoliko kratkometražni filmova. Ovoj ekipi u samom početku daće doprinos u video materijalu i video spotovima a posle i u samim Dj – nastupima. Želja nam je da svaki nastup bude pokriven sa nekim video spotom ili kratkim filmom , koji će pratiti tonove ove ekipe.
Nikola Slokar aka Mrvica Jr, od ranog detinjstva pokazuje sklonost ka muzici i eksperimentima sa instrumentima. DJ-ingom počinje da se bavi 2016. godine, a širem auditorijumu je postao poznat učešćem na DJ konkursu za poznati festival Topljenje 2017 na kom je osvojio drugo mesto i gde je skrenuo pažnju na sebe i razmrdao beogradsku publiku. Takođe, bio je i gost kod naših poznatih afteraša, DJ-eva Manche i MarkPanic-a u njivohom konceptu „Belgrade afterhours“. Sada je deo koncepta „Know thyself“ koji iza sebe vec ima 3 odlicne zurke u klubu „The End“.
David Petrovic aka Dejv,bavi se muzikom od ranog detinjstva a DJ-ingom od 2016. godine. Iza sebe ima gostovanje kod dobro poznate grupe „Mahoosive“ na ostrvu Koh Chang. Takodje, ima i saradnju sa ekipom „Lancana Reakcija“ u jednoj od mnogobrojnih zurki „Benefit za mural“Mihajlo Dondur – Don.Eye 18.11.. Kc Lab, Saturday 09 pm/01 am
Mihailo Dondur – Don.Eye
At the beginning of high school shows a tendency towards photography and cameras. Immediately after graduation, he continues his studies at: „Academy of Arts in Novi Sad“ on the camera section. After the camera, she shows great love towards „electro“ music and as part of the Drive By team starts this group. Official photographer and cameraman of Chain Reaction / Chain Reaction from the beginning and the founding of this group. He has one solo exhibition behind him, working on „Serbia Fashion Week“ and several short films. At the very beginning, this team will contribute to video material and video clips, and even after Dj – performances. We want every performance to be covered with some video clip or short film, which will follow the tones of this team.
Nikola Slokar aka Mrvica Jr., From an early childhood shows a tendency towards music and instrument experiments. DJing started to work in 2016, and he became known to the wider auditorium at the DJ competition for the famous Topovanje 2017 festival, where he won the second place and where he drew his attention and spread the Belgrade audience. Also, he was guest with our famous posters, DJs Manche and MarkPanic in the field concept „Belgrade afterhours“. Now it’s part of the Know Thyself concept, which already has 3 great parties at the „The End“ club.
David Petrovic aka Dave, plays music from early childhood and DJing since 2016. Behind him is a guest at the well-known group „Mahoosive“ on the island of Koh Chang. Also, he has a cooperation with the „Lancana Reaction“ team in one of the many parties „Benefit for mural“