Editors 21.06.2018. Arsenal Fest 08

Editors 21.06.2018. Arsenal Fest 08
Trg Topolivaca bb, Kragujevac
Editors dolaze prvi put na Arsenal Fest kao hedlajneri Main Stage-a 21. juna!!!

Britanski alternativci će pored starih hitova 21. juna uživo predstaviti novi, šesti album „Violence“ (izlazi 9. marta), sa kog su najavni singlovi „Hallelujah (So Low)“ i „Magazine“. Bend je poznat po hitovima „Papillon“, „A Ton of Love“, „Sugar“, „You Don’t Know Love“…

„Pričaju kako je naša muzika mračna, i priznajem da smo ozbiljniji od ostalih indie bendova, ali mislim da nas ljudi ne slušaju da budu jadni, već da budu srećni. Zato se nadam da će publika sa našeg nastupa otići sa osmehom na licu i uzbuđena, jer pokušavamo stvoriti muziku koja je životna, dramatična, strastvena, eksplozivna… Nadam da će nam se ljudi pridružiti u vožnji“, kaže frontmen Editors Tom Smith.

(Trenutna satnica je samo okvirna i nije konačna)

Komplet ulaznica za sve tri večeri košta neverovatnih 2.000 dinara do 14. marta, u Domu omladine Kragujevca i preko mreže Eventim! Od 14. marta kreću pojedinačne ulaznice, i komplet će biti skuplji .

Editors are arriving for the first time at Arsenal Fest as the Main Stage Headliners on June 21st !!!

In addition to the old hits on 21 June, British alternatives will present the new, sixth album „Violence“ (released on March 9), with the announcement of the singles „Hallelujah (So Low)“ and „Magazine“. The band is known for hits „Papillon“, „A Ton of Love“, „Sugar“, „You Do not Know Love“ …

„They say that our music is dark, and I admit that we are more serious than other indie bands, but I do not think people listen to us as poor, but to be happy. That’s why I hope that the audience from our performance will leave with a smile on their face and excited , because we are trying to create music that is life, dramatic, passionate, explosive … I hope that people will join us in the ride, „says frontmen Editors Tom Smith.

(The current schedule is only indicative and not final)

The set of tickets for all three evenings costs incredible 2,000 dinars until March 14, in the Youth House of Kragujevac and via the Eventim network! Starting from March 14, individual tickets will go, and the set will be more expensive.


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