Povodom 23. godine od kada sa nama nije Milan Mladenović po treći put u klubu Darkwood sviraće Deca iz vode iz Beograda za koji važi za najbolji i najverniji EKV tribute bend kod nas! Prethodna dva puta klub je bio prepun a atmosfera vrhunska!
Očekuje vas koncert u trajanju od preko dva sata gde će bend odsvirati sve najveće hitove i najbolje pesme sa svih albuma EKV-a: Oči boje meda, Ti si sav moj bol, Krug, Sinhro, Par godina za nas, 7 dana, Srce i mnoge druge.
Pored EKV-a gitarista, basista i bubnjar Dece iz vode koji nastupaju i kao bend Maljčiki odsviraće vam kao bonus nekoliko pesama iz perioda novog talasa od grupa Partibrejkers, Haustor, Azra, Idoli, Orgazam, Kazalište i Šarlo Akrobata
Ulaznice će biti 250 din. i prodavaće se na ulazu u klub na dan koncerta od 21h. Vidimo se 15. decembra!
Deca iz vode je EKV tribute band i projekat nastao pre četiri godine u Beogradu sa idejom da se koncertno obeleži sećanje na Milana Mladenovića, EKV i njihov opus. Jedno od glavnih obeležja ovog benda je što je to jedini EKV tribute koji je istovetan nekadašnjoj njihovoj postavi. U ulozi M.M. kao vokal i gitara je Zoran Mladenović, a kao nekad Margita klavijature svira već afirmisana mlada umetniica Luna Škopelja. Bas gitaru svira Lazar Ostojić a bubnjeve Nikola Rajović. Svi članovi ovog benda su iskusni i vrhunski muzičari uključeni u razne druge bendove, a zajednička strast prema EKV-u ih je spojila u ovom projektu.
Na repertoaru su svi najveći hitovi sa svih šest studijskih albuma EKV-a plus njihov debi kao Katarina II, i dva najveća hita iz Milanovog perioda u grupi Šarlo Akrobata. Energija i emocija koja se emituje sa bine je vrhunska, a atmosfera u publici po pravilu euforična. Od strane muzičke i stručne javnosti bend često dobija epitet kao najbolji i najverniji originalu EKV tribute koji je postojao. Bend unazad dve godine dana beleži brojne veoma posećene koncerte širom Srbije i ex-YU u većim koncertnim salama od kojih je većina bila rasprodana. U Vranju su do sada svirali dva puta u Farkwoodu prošle godine i oba puta skoro rasprodali ceo kapacitet kluba a atmosfera je bila sjajna.
Grupa deluje u okviru istoimenog udruženja koje pored muzičara okuplja i veći broj umetnika raznih profesija koji rade nešto inspirisani EKV-om (fotografije, spotovi, filmovi).
Deca iz vode linkovi
sajt: http://
fb strana: www.facebook.com/
udruženje; www.facebook.com/groups/
Live video linkovi
Oči boje meda www.youtube.com/
Ti si sav moj bol www.youtube.com/
Par godina za nas https://www.youtube.com/
Krug https://www.youtube.com/
Ljudi iz gradova https://www.youtube.co/
Mix Vintage https://www.youtube.com/
VIDEO with photos of EKV by Deca iz vode
Pusti neka voda nosi (photos with lyrics)
Osvrni se mirno na godine prosle (EKV photos)
You can expect a concert lasting more than two hours, where the band will play all the greatest hits and best songs from every album EKV: eyes the color of honey, You are all my pain, Circle, Sinhro, couple of years for us, 7 days, heart and many others.
In addition to EKV-a guitarist, bassist and drummer children from the water acting as a band Maljčiki Going to play a few songs as a bonus from the period of the new wave of group Partibrejkers, Haustor, Azra, idols, orgasm, Theater and Šarlo Akrobata
Tickets will be 250 din. and will be sold at the entrance to the club on the concert day of 21h. See you on December 15th!
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The Children from water is EKV tribute band and a project that was created four years ago in Belgrade with the idea of concluding the memorial to Milan Mladenović, EKV and their opus. One of the main features of this band is that it is the only EKV tribute that is identical to their former set. In the role of M.M. as a vocal and guitar is Zoran Mladenović, and as of now, Margita Keyboards are playing an affirmed young artist Luna Škopelja. Bass guitar is played by Lazar Ostojic and drums by Nikola Rajovic. All members of this band are experienced and top musicians involved in various other bands, and shared the common passion with EKV in this project.
The repertoire includes all the greatest hits from all six studio albums EKV plus their debut as Catherine II, and the two biggest hits from Milan’s period in group Sarlo acrobats. The energy and emotion that is emitted from the camera is superb, and the atmosphere in the audience is, as a rule, euphoric. From a musical and professional audience, the band often gets the epithet as the best and most venerable original of the EKV tribute that existed. The band has recorded many concerts throughout Serbia and ex-YU in major concert halls, most of which were sold out. They have been playing twice in Farkwood last year, and both times they sold out the club’s full capacity and the atmosphere was great.
The group operates under the same name association that gathers musicians in addition to a large number of artists of various professions who are doing something inspired EKV-player (photos, videos, movies).
Deca from water links
site: http://starmediaserbia.wix.com/decaizvode
fb page: www.facebook.com/decaizvode/
association; www.facebook.com/groups/893065240761861
Live video linkovi
Oči boje meda www.youtube.com/
Ti si sav moj bol www.youtube.com/
Par godina za nas https://www.youtube.com/
Krug https://www.youtube.com/
Ljudi iz gradova https://www.youtube.co/
Mix Vintage https://www.youtube.com/
VIDEO with photos of EKV by Deca iz vode
Pusti neka voda nosi (photos with lyrics)
Osvrni se mirno na godine prosle (EKV photos)