SUBOTA 13.1.2018. | Elvis Presley Tribute + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar | Koncert 23:30 I Ulaz do 22:00 besplatan I Karte: 10 kn (za studente) / 20 kn
U subotu 13. siječnja stiže nam odličan Elvis Tribute by Johnny and his Rockin’ Tunes. Od prve rockabilly pjesme “that’s all right mama” iz 54e godine, koja je po prvi puta spojila crnu i bijelu populaciju, pa sve do “liitle sister”, pjesme koja je bila Elvisov megahit kad je izašao iz vojske 60e godine, sve to možete čuti, doživjeti i proživjeti na obilježavanju onog što bi Kralju bio 83. rođendan.
Dečki za sebe kažu da su interpretatori Elvisove glazbe ( no nikako ne i imitatori ) i trude sve sve kompozicije izvesti glazbeno i zvukovno što bliže originalu i pri tom im pomaže i činjenica da koriste autentične/identične instrumente kakve su Elvis i ekipa koristili 50ih.
Elvis Aaron Presley (East Tupelo, 8. siječnja 1935. – Memphis, 16. kolovoza 1977.), američki pjevač. Često je nazivan Kraljem Rock and Rolla ili samo Kraljem, još za života legenda i neokrunjeni kralj rock’ n’ rolla.
U javnosti je počeo pjevati s 13 godina na crkvenim svečanostima i srednjoškolskim priredbama u Memphisu. S 18 godina je napustio školu i poželio raditi kao portir u kinu i kao vozač kamiona. Prvu pjesmu snimio je kao rođendanski dar majci. Prvu ploču snimio je 1954. godine. Njegov uzlet započinje sredinom 50-tih godina hitovima „That s All Right Mama“ i „Heartbreak Hotel“, a najuspješnije mu je razdoblje od 1960. do 1975. godine u kojem je izdao 52 ploče i još za života ih prodaje oko 600 milijuna komada.
Filmsku karijeru započeo je 1956. godine filmom „Voli me nježno“. Većinom je igrao u muzičkim filmovima osrednje vrijednosti, ali s naslovnim pjesmama koje su redovito postajale hit. U razdoblju od 1957. do 1966. godine Presley se nalazio na listi deset najkomercijalnijih američkih glumaca.
Godine 1975. nastupaju ozbiljni zdravstveni problemi, dijabetes, gastritis, a pridružuje se i droga o kojoj je kralj postao ovisan. U travnju 1977. godine doživljava srčani udar, ali ne mijenja način života. Dana 16. kolovoza 1977. godine Elvis pada u duboku komu zbog prevelike količine droge. Liječnici mu pokušavaju spasiti život – ali ne uspijevaju. Elvisova smrt potresla je milijune obožavatelja koji su se odmah sjatili u Graceland da velikanu odaju posljednju počast.
Elvis je još za života postao legenda potukavši sve rekorde: u dvadesetak godina rada objavio je 97 ploča, a na vrhovima top lista proveo je čak 996 tjedana.
1956. Elvis Presley
1956. Elvis
1957. Loving You
1960. Elvis Is Back!
1961. Something for Everybody
1962. Pot Luck
1964. Roustabout
1969. From Elvis in Memphis studio
1973. Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite
1974. Elvis: A Legendary Performer Volume 1
1975. Promised Land
1976. From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee studio
1977. Elvis’ 40 Greatest
2002. ELV1S: 30 No. 1 Hits
2007. Elvis the King compilation
2015. If I Can Dream compilation
2016. The Wonder of You
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SATURDAY 13.1.2018. | Elvis Presley Tribute + DJ PROGRAM @Vintage Industrial Bar Concert 23:30 I Entrance until 22:00 free of charge Maps: 10 kn (for students) / 20 kn
On Saturday, January 13, we get a great Elvis Tribute by Johnny and his Rockin ‘Tunes. From the first rockabilly song „That’s All Right Mom“ from the 54th year, which for the first time combined the black and white population, up to the „sister,“ the song Elvis megahit when he left the army in the 60s, you can do it all hear, experience, and experience the celebration of what the King was the 83rd birthday.
The guys say to themselves that the performers of Elvis’s music (but not the imitators anyway) and try to make all the compositions perform music and sound as close as possible to the original, and the fact that they use the authentic / identical instruments used by Elvis and the crew.
Elvis Aaron Presley (East Tupelo, January 8, 1935 – Memphis, August 16, 1977), American singer. He was often called King Rock and Rolla or just the King, still for the life of legend and the unbridled king of rock ‘n’ roll.
He began singing in public for 13 years at church festivals and high school events in Memphis. At the age of 18 he left school and wished to work as a portraiture in the cinema and as a truck driver. He recorded the first song as a birthday gift for a mother. He recorded the first record in 1954. His take-up began in the mid-50s with hits „That With All Right Mom“ and „Heartbreak Hotel“, and his most successful period from 1960 to 1975, where he released 52 boards and still sells about 600 million pieces for life .
His film career began in 1956 with the film „Wish me gently“. He mostly played in mid-range music, but with the title songs regularly hit. In the period from 1957 to 1966, Presley was on the list of ten most powerful American actors.
In 1975, serious health problems, diabetes, gastritis, and the drug associated with the king became dependent. In April 1977, he experienced a heart attack, but did not change his lifestyle. On August 16, 1977, Elvis fell into deep compartment due to excessive drug use. Physicians are trying to save her life – but they do not succeed. Elvis’s death shook millions of fans who immediately rushed to Graceland to give the grandfather the last tribute.
Elvis has become legendary for life ever since it has gone all the record: in its twenty years of work, it has released 97 panels and has spent 996 weeks on top of the top list.
1956. Elvis Presley
1956. Elvis
1957. Loving You
1960. Elvis Is Back!
1961. Something for Everybody
1962. Pot Luck
1964 Roustabout
1969. From Elvis in Memphis studio
1973 Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite
1974. Elvis: Legendary Performer Volume 1
1975. Promised Land
1976. From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee studio
1977. Elvis’ 40 Greatest
2002. ELV1S: 30 No. 1 Hits
Elvis the King compilation
2015. If I Can Dream compilation
2016. The Wonder of You
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