TREND za Novu 2018. godinu[:en]TREND for New 2018.

Delikatno perje, srebrna površina ogledala i vesele boje su odgovorne za dobro raspoloženje, a pletene stvari, pliš i krzno za toplinu i udobnost.

Za vas smo pažljivo odabrali trendove koje ćemo pratiti u  novoj 2018. godini. Uvereni smo da ćete u našem bogatom odabiru brojnih dizajnerskih predloga za 2018. godinu pronaći stil koji odgovara baš vama. Uskladite svoju prirodu sa predstojećim modnim trendovima.

1. Obojeno krzno

U nastavku prošlogodišnjeg trenda obradovaće vas činjenica da vaša šarena bunda i ove sezone jesen/zima 2018 neće završiti u ormaru. Krzno šišano, pravo ili veštačko je u modi!

2. Pufnaste jakne i kaputi

Savršen spoj praktičnog, toplog i u trendu ove zime!

3. Pelerine

Ukoliko nemate u svom garderoberu možete se slobodno odvažiti i nabaviti sebi jednu veselu plišanu perelinu kao iz doba Robin Huda.

4. Pletene stvari

Ništa nas tako dobro ne zagreje kao topao pleten džemper. Trend koji nikada ne odlazi u zaborav samo se menjaju obrasci i nijanse te se tako ove zime nose:  „pletenice“, „pom-poms“ i „baka“ kardigani.

5. Srebrna boja

Srebrne jakne i kaputi će vas ove zime  povezati sa svemirom i učiniti da izgledate vrlo atraktivno u tom hladnom i nedokučivom prostoru.

6. Jarke boje 

Za veselu zimu bez depresije, pored obojenog krzna potrebno je i da izaberete komad u veselim „vitaminskim“ nijansama.

Smislene kombinacije jarkih boja izgledaće sjajno i u letnjim danima.

7. Pastelne boje

Za sve one koji se ne osećaju najprijatniju u jarkim bojama modni kreatori su se potrudili te su nas za sezonu proleće/leto 2018 obradovali  odećom pastelnih i nežnih boja koju ćemo sa zadovoljstvom nositi.

Nežne žuta i narandžasta savršene su boje za letnje dane, a u idućoj će godine biti posebno popularne. U svojim ih cruise kolekcijama za leto 2018. predlažu Victoria Beckham, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Edun i brojni drugi brendovi.

8. Roze boja

Za sve one dame koje se i dalje osećaju kao devojčice i veliki su ljubitelj roze boje obradovaće ih vest da će u proleće 2018 biti IN obući se u roze od glave do pete.

9. Plavo i crno

Samo za dame koje svojom elegancijom pokreta mogu da iznesu ovu savršenu mističnu kombinaciju. Vrlo elegantna i prefinjena kombinacija tamno plave i crne.

10. Jednobojne kombinacija

Bez obzira na to da li ste se odlučili za dugu haljinu u jednoj boji ili o kombinezonu, odelu ili nekoj drugoj odevnoj kombinaciji – bićete u trendu i ako nosite jednu boju od glave do pete. Što su nam pokazale i  cruise kolekcijama Stelle McCartney i Valentina.

Napomenućemo da će ove sezone jesen/zima 2018 poseban trend biti crvena boja tako da nećete pogrešiti ako vam sve pa čak i cipele budu u crvenoj boji.

11. Čipka

Ove sezone na velika se vrata u modu vratila čipka. Uvek posebna i vrlo ženstvena, čipka je dobar izbor, ako želite da vas zapaze. Osim toga, lepa čipkasta bluzica ulepšaće bilo koju kombinaciju, čak i kad su u pitanju farmerke.

12. Karirano

Stil svojstven britancima sada je zavladao svetom. Idealna kombinacija za jedan kišni poslovni dan.

13. Leopard

Ukoliko znate kako da leopard dezen ukombinujete sa stilom bićete uvek u trendu.

14. Egzotični print – cvetni i etno dezeni

Ni ovaj trend nije novost i svakog se leta pojavi u nekom novom obliku. Iduće godine to će biti print tropskog cveća, ali i motiva iz faune tropskih krajeva. Za iduće leto ga predlažu Erdem, Michael Kors i brojne druge modne kuće.

Sa ponosom možete nositi odeću sa našim etno motivima jer je to sada trend u čitavom svetu.

15. Print sa životinjama

Možete slobodno staviti lik svoje omiljene životinja na majci ili kupiti haljinu sa njenim printom i bićete potpuni hit u 2018. godini.

16. Vertikalne pruge

Iako već ove sezone nosimo sve moguće kombinacije prugica, iduće sezone će ipak najpopularnije biti one vertikalne. Nosićemo ih na košuljama, haljinama, kombinezonima pa čak i jaknama i muškim i ženskim odelima.

17. Crno bele tufne

Tufne su ponovo u modi. Biće ovo svakako vesela i šarena zima jer su se najpoznatiji dizajneri sveta pobrinuli za to!

18. Teksas i neobrađeni traper

Traper proživljava svoj vrhunac i nosi se u svim oblicima i veličinama, a iduće godine će posebno popularan biti onaj neobrađeni. Nosiće se traperice sa resama od neobrađenog trapera na nogavicama, a taj trend zagovaraju Chloé, Karen Walker i brojni drugi brendovi.

19. Matriks

Svi  ljubitelji kože mogu odahnuti jer će i ove sezone biti u trendu. Kako se šuška da će biti snimljen novi nastavak filma Matriks eto nama i opravdanja da izvučemo iz ormara naše omiljene kožne pantalone i upotpunimo ih sa najnovijim kožnim kaputom i kožnim cipelama da puni samopouzdanja zagospodarimo ulicama grada.

20. Pliš

Sudeći po kolekcijama najpopularnijih svetskih modnih dizajnera, pliš u svim bojama i dezenima obeležiće sezonu pred nama.

 Reč je o materijalu koji daje notu glamura našem izgledu, a odlično se kombinuje uz gotovo sve druge materijale: kožu, džins, svilu…

21. Trenerke

Trend koji opstaje već nekoliko sezona i koji ćemo svakako pratiti i u novoj 2018. godini.  Verovatno je zadržao popularnost jer je ljudima do te mere drag i prijatan i da imaju izgovor da se u trenerci pojave čak i na posao.  Posebno će popularne biti pantalone sa uzdužnom crtom na boku, ali i sportske jakne, majice i dukserice.

22. Dečački stil

Za sve devojke, žene koje se najprijatnije osećaju kada obuku široku odeću dečačkog stila. Široka košulja, begi džemper, široke pantalone, široki kaputi su nešto što će takođe biti u trendu ove sezone jesen/zima 2018.

23. U stilu divljeg zapada

Možda ne svosjstveno našim prostorima ali svakako stil o kome će se puno pričati u 2018. godini.

24. Pantalone i suknje visokog struka

Bilo da uživate u nošenju skinny džinsa, retro safari pantalona, ili ste pak odlučili da ovog leta nosite romantični boho- vaše pantalone moraju imati visok struk! Pantalone i farmerke sa visokim strukom komadi su u koji treba investirati, imajući u vidu njihovo odolevanje prolaznim trendovima, lakoću kombinovanja ali i potencijal da svaku figuru vizuelno učine vitkijom.

25. Zvoncare

Svoju popularnost zadržaće i za sledeću 2018. godinu. Brojni brendovi su ih uvrstili u svoju kolekciju a one su, složićete se sa nama, idealne za sve prilike od dnevnih, poslovnih kombinacija pa do formalnih druženja ili večernjih izlazaka.

26. Neobični krojevi, dezeni i aksesoari

Svakako u novo 2018. godini nećete pogrešiti ako se odlučite za neku neobičnu odevnu kombinaciju, za haljinu nesimetričnog kroja, za detalje koji čine da vaš stil bude upečatljiv. Šarena marama na glavi, šareni kaiš oko struka, torbica neobičnog oblika…su samo deo onoga što sve može da vam padne na pamet i vaš dan učini zanimljiv. Prepustite se svojoj mašti i dozvolite sebi da bar jedan dan u nedelji budete drugačiji.

27. Perije

Perje će ove zime biti sastavni deo bilo koje odeće. Perje je poželjno kao dodatak na torbama i kaputima, obući, jaknama i haljinama. U trendu su stvari potpuno tkane od marabou perja ili u obliku nakita – ogrlica, privezaka i minđuša

28. Rese

Još dugo neće biti out

29. Dugmići svuda 

Ove godine pertle su zamenili dugmići. Po Adeamu dugmiće možemo staviti na kratkim suknjama , bočno na kaputu i haljinama koje se vide kod Sies Marjan i Christopher Kane, stvarajući simetrične linije na pantalonama Jonathan Simkhai, ili samo običan, dodajući neku ukrasnu ljubav kao što možemo videti kod Rosie Assoulin i John Galliano. Dugmići su svuda, a uzbuđenje je da je to novi trend za jesen/zimu 2018. godine.

30. Naramenice

Na velika modna vrata vraća nam se zaboravljeni trend 80 ih. Ovog put su dizajneri dali svoj doprinos da se ne stidite odece sa naramenicama i da postanu sastavni deo vaše privatne kolekcije.

31. Nabori

Nabore na suknjama, haljinama i košuljama kao zanimljiv detalj u svoje  odevne predmete iz cruise kolekcija „utkali su“ Preen, Missoni i brojni drugi.

32. Logomanija

U novoj 2018. godini zavladaće trend odeće sa logom dizajnera. Ako do sada već nemate komad odeće sa logom vašeg omiljenog dizajnera vreme je da nabavite. Od majci, bluza, džempera, jakni  jedan će morati da krasi logo.

33. Elegantni dekolte

Otkopčajte samo jedno dugme više na svojoj beloj košulji i bićete potpuno u trendu. Takve su košulje divan izbor za proleće/leto 2018 i mogu izgledati vrlo elegantno i prefinjeno.

34. Gola ramena

Ukoliko i u zimskim danima ne volite da budete previše obučeni i nije vam hladnu ovo je stil za vas.

35. Dugi rukavi

Providne bluze i haljine dugih rukava dočaraće sezonu proleće/leto 2018. Od materijala preovlađuje poliester i svila.

36. Istaknut struk kaišem

Ženstvenost je uvek u modi a ovog puta ona je istaknuta na modnoj sceni kroz jasno oblikovanom siluetom i istaknutim ženskim strukom. Slobodno posvetite svoje vreme u odabiru kaiša oblika, dezena, boje po svom ukusu, sigurno nećete pogrešiti jer sve je u modi

37. Dokolenice

Upečatljive čarape, i to posebno dokolenice, biće veliki trend iduće godine. Prada predlaže bele u maniri školskih uniformi, Antonio Marras šarene s prugana koje se protežu u raznim smerovima, dok Thom Browne ohrabruje obožavatelje mode da iduće godine odvažno ponesu različite čarape.

Delicate feathers, silver mirror surface and cheerful colors are responsible for good mood, and knitted things, plush and fur for warmth and comfort.

We have carefully chosen the trends that we will follow in the new 2018 year. We are confident that in our rich selection of numerous design proposals for 2018, you will find a style that suits you. Coordinate your nature with upcoming fashion trends.

1. Colored fur

In the end of last year’s trend, you will be pleased that your colorful jacket will not end in the wardrobe this fall / winter 2018 season. Fur coated, right or artificial is fashionable!

2. Puffy jackets and coats

The perfect combination of practical, warm and trendy winter!

3. Pelerine

If you do not have one in your wardrobe, you can freely give in and get yourself a joyful plush pelerine like the Robin Hood.

4. Knitted things

Nothing makes us so warm as a warm knit sweater. The trend that never goes into oblivion only changes patterns and nuances, and these winter are worn: „braids“, „pom-poms“ and „grandmothers“ cardigans.

5. Silver color

Silver jackets and coats will connect you with the universe this winter and make you look very attractive in this cold and inaccessible space.

6. Vibrant colors

For a cheerful winter without depression, next to a colored fur, you also need to select a piece in cheerful „vitamin“ shades.

The meaningful combination of bright colors will look great even in the summer days.

7. Pastel colors

For those who do not feel the most pleasant in bright colors, fashion designers have made every effort and they have dressed us in the spring / summer 2018 with pastel and gentle colors that we will be happy to wear.

Gentle yellow and orange are the perfect colors for the summer days, and in the next year will be especially popular. In their cruise collections for 2018, they propose Victoria Beckham, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Edun and many other brands.

8. Pink colors

For all ladies who still feel like girls and a big pink fan, they will be dressed in the spring of 2018 in pink from head to toe.

9. Blue and black

Only for ladies who can express this perfect mystical combination with their elegance. A very elegant and refined combination of dark blue and black.

10. Monochrome combination

Whether you decide to wear a long dress in one color or a dress shirt, suit, or some other sweatshirt – you’ll be trendy even if you wear one color from head to toe. What they showed us and cruise the collections of Stella McCartney and Valentine.

We will special mentioned,  that this fall / winter 2018 season red will be particularly popular, so you will not be mistaken if all of you and even your shoes are in red color.

11. Lace

This season, a lace have great come back. Always special and very feminine, lace is a good choice if you want to all eyes on you. In addition, a beautiful lace blouse will embellish any combination, even when it comes to jeans.

12. Carried out

The style inherent to the British has now dominated the world. Ideal combination for a rainy business day.

13. Leopard

If you know how to combine the leopard design with style you will always be in a trend.

14. Exotic print – floral and ethnic patterns

 Next year, it will be printed tropical flowers, but also motifs from fauna of tropical regions. Next year, Erdem, Michael Kors and many other fashion houses propose him.

We are proud to carry clothes with our ethno motives because it is now a trend in the whole world.

15. Print with animals

You can freely put the image of your favorite animal on your shirt or buy a dress with her print and you will be a complete hit in 2018.

16. Vertical stripes

Although this season we are carrying all possible combinations of stripes, the next season will still be the most popular the vertical ones. We will wear them on skirts, dresses, overalls and even jackets and men’s and women’s suits.

17. Black and white dots

The dots are in fashion again. This will certainly be a joyous and colorful winter because the world’s most renowned designers have taken care of it!

18. Texas

Traper is experiencing its peak and is worn in all shapes and sizes, and next year will be especially popular. They will wear jeans with scarfs of untamed denim socks, and this trend is advocated by Chloé, Karen Walker and many other brands.

19. Matrix

All skin lovers can breathe, as this season will be trendy. How we heard that a new sequel of the Matrix movie will be recorded we find the excuse to get out of the closet our favorite leather trousers and complete them with the latest leather coat and leather shoes and fully  dominate of the city streets.

20. Plush

Judging by the collections of the world’s top fashion designers, plush in all colors and patterns will mark the season ahead of us.

It is a material that gives the glamor  note to our look, and it is perfectly combined with almost all other materials: leather, jeans, silk …

21. Sweatsuits

The trend that has survived for several seasons and which we will certainly follow in the new 2018 year. Probably retained popularity because people are dear and friendly to this extent and have the excuse to appear in the trainers even at work. Especially popular will be pants with longitudinal line on the side, as well as sports jackets, t-shirts and sweatsuits.

22. Boy style

For all girls, the women who are most comfortable feel when they are training large mans’s clothing. Wide shirts, fleece sweatshirts, wide trousers, wide coats are something that will also be in the trend this fall / winter 2018 season.

23. In the wild west style

Perhaps not coexistent with our customs, but certainly a style about which we will talk much in 2018.

24. High waist pants and skirts

Whether you enjoy wearing a skinny jeans, a retro safari trouser, or you’ve decided to wear a romantic boho this summer – your pants must have a high waist! High-waist pants and trousers are to be invested, given their resistance to transient trends, the ease of combining, and the potential to make each figure visibly more slim.

25. Bell bottom

It will retain its popularity for the next 2018 year. Numerous brands have put them in their collection and they are, you will agree with us, ideal for all occasions from daily, business combinations to formal gatherings or evening outings.

26. Unusual cuts, patterns and accessories

Certainly, in the new year of 2018, you will not make a mistake if you decide on an unusual dress, a dress for an asymmetrical cut, for details that make your style striking. A colorful scarf on your head, a colorful belt around your waist, an unusual shape purse … are just some of the things that can all come to your mind and make your day interesting. Relax in your imagination and allow yourself to be different at least one day a week.

27. Feathers

Feathers will be an integral part of any clothing this winter. The feather is desirable as an addition to bags and coats, shoes, jackets and dresses. In trendy things are completely woven from marabou feathers or in the form of jewelry – necklaces, pendants and earrings

28. Tassels

It will not be out for a long time

29. Buttons everywhere

This year, the pertle has been replaced by buttons. By Adeam, we can put buttons on short skirts, side-by-side on coats and dresses seen with Sies Marjan and Christopher Kane, creating symmetrical lines on pants of Jonathan Simkhai, or just plain, adding some decorative love as we can see with Rosie Assoulin and John Galliano . The buttons are everywhere, and the excitement is that it is a new trend for the fall / winter in 2018.

30. Shoulders

The big fashion door returns to us the forgotten trend of 80. This time, designers have made their contribution not to be ashamed of clothes with shoulders and to become an integral part of your private collection.

31. Ruffs

The costumes on skirts, dresses and shirts as an interesting detail in their clothes from the cruise collection were „plugged“ by Preen, Missoni and many others.

32. Logomania

In the new year 2018, the trend of clothing with the logo of the designer will prevail. If you do not already have a piece of clothing with your favorite designer’s logo, it’s time to get it. From a t – shirt, blouse, sweatshirt, jackets, one will have to be with logo.

33. Elegant décolleté

Unlock only one button more on your white shirt and you will be completely trendy. Such shirts are a wonderful choice for spring / summer 2018 and can look very elegant and sophisticated.

34. Naked shoulders

If you do not like to be too dressed in the winter days and it’s not cold for you, this is a style for you.

35. Long sleeves

Transparent blouses and long-sleeved dresses will make the season spring / summer 2018. The material that will dominated polyester and silk.

36. Stretched waist belt

Femininity is always fashionable and this time it is highlighted on the fashion scene through a clearly shaped silhouette and a prominent female waist. Feel free to dedicate your time in choosing a belt of shapes, patterns, colors in your taste, you will definitely not make mistakes because everything is fashionable

37. Leggings

Stunning socks, especially leggings, will be a great trend next year. Prada suggests white in uniforms of school uniforms, Antonio Marras colorful with stripes stretching in various directions, while Thom Browne encourages fashion fans to boldly take different socks next year.


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