The fractal drawing is a drawing of the soul.
By applying this technique, one can initiate, revive, strengthen and enhance the human power of man: thinking, feeling and will. If a person adheres to the instructions and rules during their personal cycle participation, the following benefits for the participant are expected:
more conscious, expanded and active perception
the ability to create clearer and more accurate performances about oneself, their inner possibilities and boundaries, time-honored sense of their own value
By strengthening attention, the ability to create clearer representations of the reality of the world and its phenomena is established
willingness to make the right decisions and confidence
a sense of righteousness, harmony and leprosy
By acquiring colors, lines, shapes, surfaces and compositions, the ability to overcome the haosi, the ability to organize detail into a harmonious whole, internal flexibility and mobility, and creativity – and first on paper, and later in concrete life situations or crises – are spurred and strengthened.
Inspired creativity strengthens personality integrity, and integrity and immunity, psychosomatically, are in direct correlation. In other words, by strengthening internal forces, the self-reactive forces that exist in every person are revived.
Which training is meant for?
All young people and adults who want to advance their daily lives, develop their abilities, free their creative potentials, dilute internal and external conflicts, overcome anxiety and internal blockages.
Training content:
Art Therapy – drawing fractal drawings – participants in the training learn how to draw diagnostic and correction fractures, can choose to produce their personal cycle cycle in duration of 7, 14 or 21 drawings. Total training and cycle are realized during 6 workshops at the weekly level. By going through the cycle of personal status diagnosis to correcting those internal states that require some correction, we are working on the possibilities to make healthier, fulfilling and integratively realize their potential. During the cycle, each participant was followed by the leader and directed toward his correction. Changes that occur during the process are followed, support is given to the participants to insight and change integrate within their consciousness.
Methods of work:
The paper uses several methods of work:
Interactive method of work
Drawing a fractal
Demonstrative method
Process Analysis and Reflection
The coach / therapist:
Spomenka Divljan, psychologist / pedagogue, trainer of life skills, program leader for personal development
Applications and Training Information