[:en]Cirque du Soleil- TORUK – The First Flight 07 – 09.12.2017. Arena

[:en]Cirque du Soleil- TORUK – The First Flight 07 – 09.12.2017. Arena
Arena, Zagreb
07.Dec.2017 - 09.Dec.2017

Pre-sale tickets for members of the Cirque Club from 7/11/2017!
The official start of ticket sales from 09. 11. 2017.

Zagreb, November 7, 2017 – Tour Cirque du Soleil inspired by AVATAR (James Cameron). TORUK – The First Flight (TORUK) will be performed at the Zagreb Arena from 7 to 9 December 2018, as part of a global tour that visits arenas around the world.

Inspired by AVATAR James Cameron’s film TORUK – The First Flight will introduce you to the Pandora World with visually stunning scenery. Experience fairy tale through the new world of imagination, discoveries and opportunities.

Circus du Soleil combines the fictitious fictional world of James Cameron with its unique performance style, combining two related artistic vision into a spectacle that excites the imagination, through the finest combination of the most modern visual, puppetry and theatrical elements of this grand scenery, inspired by immense cinematic success.

This vivid experience is carried by a clear signature by director Michela Lemieux and Victory Pilona’s multimedia innovators. It is a scene revived by the harmonious coexistence of Na’vi people with nature, and their belief in the fundamental interconnectedness of all living creatures.

Presented by “Na’vi Pripovijedača”, TORUK – The First Flight is a mythological story whose work was set for thousands of years before the events shown in the AVATAR movie, before any man ever walked on Pandora.

When the sacred tree is threatened by a natural disaster, Ral and Entu, two young men from the Omathaya tribe, fearlessly decide to take matters into their hands. Knowing that Toru, a powerful red-orange predecessor who governs Pandora’s sky can help in their mission of rescuing the Wood of Souls, they are on the way to the high-floating mountains to find it. The prophecy will be fulfilled when the pure soul rises among the clans and raises Toru, in order to save our people from the terrible and tragic destiny that threatens them.

Ulaznice u pretprodaji  za članove Cirque Club-a od 7.11.2017.!
Službeni početak prodaje ulaznica od 09. 11. 2017.

Zagreb, 07. studeni, 2017. – Turneja Cirque du Soleil inspirirana filmskim hitom AVATAR (James Cameron). TORUK – Prvi Let (TORUK – The First Flight), izvodit će se u Areni Zagreb od 7. do 9. prosinca 2018., kao dio globalne turneje koja posjećuje arene diljem svijeta.

Inspiriran filmom AVATAR Jamesa Camerona, TORUK – Prvi Let uvest će vas u svijet Pandore pomoću vizualno zapanjujuće scenografije. Doživite bajku uživo kroz novi svijet mašte, otkrića i mogućnosti.

Kroz vrhunski spoj najsuvremenijih vizualnih, lutkarskih i kazališnih elemenata te grandiozne scenografije, potkovan ogromnim kinematografskim uspjehom, Cirque du Soleil dočarava fantastični izmišljeni svijet Jamesa Camerona svojim jedinstvenim izvedbenim stilom, povezujući dvije srodne umjetničke vizije u jedan spektakl koji pobuđuje maštu.

Ovo živopisno iskustvo nosi i jasan potpis redatelja i multimedijskih inovatora Michela Lemieuxa i Victora Pilona. Ono je scenski oživljena oda skladnom suživotu naroda Na’vi s prirodom, te njihovom vjerovanju u temeljnu međusobnu povezanost svih živih bića.

Pripovijedana od strane “Na’vi Pripovijedača”, TORUK – Prvi Let je mitološka priča čija je radnja postavljena tisućama godina prije događaja prikazanih u filmu AVATAR, prije nego je ijedan čovjek ikad kročio na Pandoru.

Kada svetom stablu duša zaprijeti prirodna katastrofa, Ralu i Entu, dvojica mladića iz plemena Omaticaya, neustrašivo odlučuju preuzeti stvari u svoje ruke. Po saznanju da im Toruk, moćni crveno-narančasti grabežljivac koji vlada Pandorinim nebom može pomoći u njihovoj misiji spašavanja Drva duša, oni kreću na put visoko plutajućim planinama ne bi li ga pronašli. Proročanstvo će se ispuniti kada se čista duša uzdigne među klanovima i uzjaše Toruka u namjeri da spasi Na’vi narod od strašne i tragične sudbine koja im prieti.


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