Every day 5-8PM – 16-22/04 Ostavinska Galerjia, Belgrade
“Cool Kids Never Die” is an analog photography exhibition by the French artist Lily Rault.
“In Youth lies the power to create a World where everything is possible.
In Youth nestles the belief of an eternal imaginary.
Hope bearer, Youth is everywhere in movement.
It is movement.
This series of photographs highlights themes that strikes this Youth.
Questioning Identity through its Faces.
Meeting with Freedom through Travel.
Learning about the Beauty of Life through the Poetry that surrounds it.
Don’t get me wrong, though. This is not about age. “Cool Kids Never Die” is a tribute to the Youth that lives in each of us; that we choose to let go, or to whom we choose to give a last dance, even while older.
Let this Eternal Youth be your guide through this photographic journey, where Beauty is fed by Freedom.”
Vagabond artist, Lily has been living on the road for two years, her film camera slung over her shoulder. During her various journeys around the world, she captures her encounters and finds what she calls the soul of the Eternal Youth.
Her first exhibition “Cool Kids Never Die” tries to draw a common thread between all these nations: its youth. Pell-Mell, one finds there clichés resulting from her meetings during her road-trips in the Californian deserts or in the Australian outback. From cold urban landscapes of Eastern Europe, to the freshness of spring in the Japanese countryside. But also her city, Paris, through Pigalle.
This exhibition showcases bright colors, raw portraits, confusing double exposures and the grain of her old Nikon FM2, which was gifted to her not so long ago. Lily’s approach of photography is deeply connected to feelings, emotions and poetry. Trough her background of Psychologist, she is moved by emotional stories of people she photographs. She captures instants. She captures sensations.
OSA (Organization of Serbian Artists) is an organization of artists from Serbia that works on promoting artists and their affirmation in contemporary European society.
******************* COOL KIDS NEVER DIE******************
*************** 16th to 22nd of April, Belgrade**************
“Cool Kids Never Die” je izložba analognih fotografija francuske umetnice Lily Rault.
“U Mladosti leži moć da stvori Svet u kom je sve moguće.
U Mladosti se razvija verovanje večne mašte.
Nositelj nade, Mladost je svuda u pokretu. Mladost je pokret.
Ova serija fotografija ističe teme koje prožimaju ovu mladost.
Ispitivanje identiteta, kroz njihova lica.
Sastanak sa slobodom, kroz putovanje.
Učenje o lepoti života kroz Poeziju koja ga okružuje.
Međutim, ne shvatite me pogrešno. Ovo nije serija o godinama.
“Cool Kids Never Die” je omaž Mladosti koja živi u svakom od nas;
ona koju izaberemo da pustimo, ili ona koju izaberemo da joj damo poslednji ples, čak i kada smo stariji.
Neka vam Večna Mladost bude vodič kroz ovo fotografsko putovanje, gde se lepota slavi slobodom.”
Lily Rault, 29, je francuska fotografkinja koja je studirala psihologiju i političke nauke na Univerzitetu Sorbone u Parizu.
Počela je da se bavi fotografijom pre dve godine, tokom svojih dugih putovanja. Lilin pristup fotografije je usko povezan sa osećanjima, emocijama i poezijom.
Njen fotografski pristup i stil je donekle potkovan njenom pozadinom psihologa, ona je inspirisana emocionalnim pričama ljudi koje ona fotografiše.
Fotografiše trenutke.
Fotografiše senzacije.
Tema ove izložbe vezana je za njenu ličnu priču. Nakon što je radila u velikoj firmi u Parizu, napustila je sve kako bi putovala i živela Život, istinsku avanturu mladosti.
OSA/Organiszation of Serbia Artists/ je organizacija bazirana u Srbiji koja se bavi promocijom umetnika i njihovom afirmacijom u savremenom evropskom društvu.